Watched 5 antlerless PA. elusive White Tailed Deer meandering in the harvested corn field to my south. I enjoyed the view as they calmly browsed, first along woods edge then, making their way farther out into the field. Every once in a while, one would pick it's head up for a quick look around but always returning in short time, noses back to the ground. But never did I see, an antler of any kind, on the head of a deer, know 100 feet from me.
Later in the day, I gave a neighbor a helping hand reattaching his wood tree stand, then relocating one of his ladder stands. Only saw one rub and no scrape as I walked along a well traveled trail. Spoke with a farmer planting winter wheat, hearing he's been seeing legal racks a good bit of time he's out and about, tending his fields.
He too expressed his surprise, he's seeing the deer but little to no rubs or signs of rut otherwise.
Ummm, which board did yinz say, I'll find the "Gun Season 2018" forum on?