Shhhhh, be vewy vewy, quiet. It's 8:35 ish and I'm sitting here watching a nice wide racked antlered deer walking across the corn field. Too far out to get a good count on the points but the rack is well past the ears and rather high also.
Taking his time but every step moves him toward the highrise ground blind. I'm confident he won't see or wind me so I'm sure if he keeps moving in the same direction he will present a shot.
Geez, this is exciting and my heart rate is picking up along with my breathing. First buck I've seen with legal antlers in 11 years and he's moving toward my ground blind.
Can't remember feeling this excited but I gotta remember to pace myself and move with stealth.
I'd liked to get some pics as he approaches but I dunno heart beginning to thump... man what a rush.
Dam, if I'd just left the house earlier this morning, I know I'd beat him to the groundblind. Gotta git... my bow and go.