2018/11/03 22:21:17
Psssst, WCW them Gyro sanmidges is really really good with shaved roast of bambi.

Even sanmidges made with bambilony and processed American cheese with poopon mustard...... yummi

Hey did I ever tell yinz how much I really appreciate a Pepcid with Banana Tums Pepto Bismol shake??
2018/11/03 22:30:52
Psssst, WCW them Gyro sanmidges is really really good with shaved roast of bambi.

Even sanmidges made with bambilony and processed American cheese with poopon mustard...... yummi

Hey did I ever tell yinz how much I really appreciate a Pepcid with Banana Tums Pepto Bismol shake??
. Now thanks ... 10:30 PM and all this talk about yummy food now I’m hungry but wifey says no food after 9 PM not good for you so now I have to go to bed HUNGRY ...I DID SAY THANKS RIGHT !!!
2018/11/03 22:41:43
Mopars do like me. Make up your sanmidges before going to bed telling your betterhalf the sanmidges is for going hunting tomorrow then neak to the fridge after the wife falls asleep.

Just gotta member to get up in the morning before the wife so you can tell her you changed your mind about hunting and you ate the sanmidges for breakfast. Priceless👍👍👍
2018/11/04 06:39:15
Woke up early to a nice cool crisp morning. Light frost and best of all, no rain. Thought to myself all right, maybe ill see some big ones moving this morning and not get soaked.....then I remembered its Sunday. Stupid no Sunday hunting!! Guess ill have to settle for splitting wood instead. No worries though, looks like the rain and high winds will be back again this week to finish out the season.

By the way. I just realized the other day that the statewide archery season ends on a Monday this year. That's kind of odd??
2018/11/04 07:16:15
Decided to sit in my upstairs bedroom blind and watch the field for any deer signs. To add insult to injury on this beautiful morning, I just watched a nice 8pt calmly stroll up my driveway to said apple tree where my camera is, then along side and behind my cabin about 30yds into the woods right where I setup the climber. Ugh.....
2018/11/04 08:03:49
G😱😱D GRIEF Crappie_Slayer thank you ever so much for posting today is Sunday. I knew there was a reason I should of stayed in bed.

Also wish I wouldn't have ran out on the deck to get shots of the sunrise this morning. IT WAS 30 degrees at the time and as if standing in my FRUIT OF THE LOOMS wasn't stupid enough but a heavy frost coated the deck and my feet stuck to the floor.

Weather dude says mid to upper fifties and no rain today.

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Pretty picture some may think but what is it they say, about the weather on the way, when the sky is pink in the morn?

But hey things could be worse, just think of the curse, had the picture been one of, a selfie. 😱😱


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2018/11/04 08:09:25
Big Tuna
Best day of the week SUNDAY. Woke up at 5:30 the usual. 6:30 clear,crisp,and calm no wind no rain.lol What a beautiful day,I plan on driving to Ohio for an afternoon sit. The big guys should start thinking about producing offspring by now. I'm past ready to send one home,it's been a tough year for this old man. Only thing of concern is I can't bring a dead deer into the state. Hmm options, field quarter the deer and leave the spinal cord and neck and head or find a deer processor. Can't bring a trophy head into the state either. Probably my last year in Ohio,they increased the license to $ 200 and plan on raising it to close to $300 in two years. The money not the main issue,it the legal transport of deer back home and I can't bring my head into the state. All because some deer farm in another country has cronic wasting away disease. I think the real reason is money $100 deer cutting,$550 taxi,license $200 =$850 all spent in Ohio. I received a postcard from the PGC reminding me that it's illegal to bring a deer from Ohio into the state. I can see keeping the deer herd healthy. But I hunt a spot in Pa. that one side of the road is Ohio and one side is Pa. I've shot about 20 deer from my stand though the years there and about half of them crossed the road from Ohio to Pa.  lol
2018/11/04 08:12:55
Woke up early to a nice cool crisp morning. Light frost and best of all, no rain. Thought to myself all right, maybe ill see some big ones moving this morning and not get soaked.....then I remembered its Sunday. Stupid no Sunday hunting!! Guess ill have to settle for splitting wood instead. No worries though, looks like the rain and high winds will be back again this week to finish out the season.

By the way. I just realized the other day that the statewide archery season ends on a Monday this year. That's kind of odd??

Ain't that the truth. Our dumb, archaic hunting laws in this state that some wish to cling too for some reason. We are bleeding hunter participation and folks want to keep people out of the woods that still want to hunt.........
Anyway, the season ends on Monday this year because its Veterans day. An official govt holiday that few have off so the PGC figured might as well extend the season a day to let them enjoy the outdoors. The regular folks are left to use a vacation day if they choose. I took a vacation day. 
2018/11/04 08:24:42
BT maybe more of keeping a PA resident from buying out of state license and using it to say the deer they powdered illegally was shot in another state?

Also in the Buckeye, where we both know the "racks" are much bigger, it wasn't illegal to cut the heads from road kill. I say wasn't cause I do not know if OH changed the laws.

Anyways, the laws suck for the honest hunter but you know what they say about 'one bad potatoe......".

Personnaly, I think the CWD is over played to fit the agenda of the PGC.
2018/11/04 08:40:47
Well here is a story I head in after the rain grab my climber and move it towards the standing corn get over there basically no trees to climb so I shimmy up this little tiny tree about 15" in all this thickness water bs I'm on a hill but it's basically like a swamp on the edge of a field 300 I'm up 308 I here baaaa baaaa I'm like **** that's a buck stood up he's under me 8pt bout to draw he busts me (wind) I'm feeling it now pretty mad, I has 2 shooting lanes ,so I'm like well lemme climb down 2 feet ok that's better (could of shot him here) I'm thinking this is horrible every deer is gonna wind me maby that was a sign so I get down move 20 yards down wind 600 I hear deer coming splashing look catch a glimpse omg here's the doe 20yds up wind here comes a freaking giant huge 8pt solid 140+ 45yards to thick no shot he follows here I grunted rattled snort wheeze nothing idk how I held my bow between my legs when I tried rattling at em...the only way my smile could get any bigger is if I shot him....now first stand sit his doe would of busted me if not that buck walked right under that tree ......no 3up it's down now so glad I didn't smack that basket we never seen this buck idk he's the biggest deer iv ever seen on stand and I gotta plan to kill him

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