Squishy squished quietly to my blind and enjoyrd listening to the rain drumming on the taught nylon cover. Wasn't fruitless afternoon, as I was treated to a view of a groundhog happily feeding in the rain. The little critter was right at my 20yd marker and it was tempting, but chuck baloney didnt sound appetizing at the moment and I'm sure, the back strap wouldn't have mounted to much more than finger food. Not much demand for the pelts either.... so I'm told.
I Wasn't going to waste my time in the blind but, earlier in the afternoon, the wife tells me she saw a Doe run through the corn field and a second deer chasing with it's head down. Both ran into the woodline along the eastern edge of the field.
Said just my luck, I got called to a meeting that I didnt dare miss and don't get to see the action. "Not my fault you waste so much time" sez the wife. "What the heck" I sez, "not my fault nature called and I had to do paper work".
Anyways, wasn't long fore an antlerless popped out of the goldenrod along the south edge of the corn field. Walking toward the east edge when from the east came one by one till there was five for a total of 6 antlerless deer now in the field. Was fun watching them feed when for unknown reasons, they reenters the forest until in the field there was none.
Until out pops the three legged deer what's been around making this year three and with her, two smaller white tailed deer. No spots upon them but they weren't much bigger than that.
A few minutes passed as they fed when up pops all three of their heads. Each watching cautiously back toward the way they came. I expected to see more of the same but didnt happen as all three, now exit the field.
No sooner do they disappear then 20 yds down another appears. Begins to feed then too disappears.
Out then in and in then out, WTH I say, these clowns playing musical cornfield or what today?
Well I watched the play until such time I no longer could see what I could see then it was squishy squashy my way home again.
Besides them cornstalks looked to be, up to their stupid stuff.