2018/11/01 08:00:51
My rutcation starts tomorrow. Will be off tomorrow through Veterans day. Planning on mostly all day sits. Looks like rain both Friday and Saturday. Gotta love it!
2018/11/01 08:56:46
Me and my buddy, coworker came up with a plan for rutcation. Being we are slate roofers and work in Pittsburgh everyday we are only off when it's raining like now so we get today tomorrow and Saturday to hunt.if we can't seal the deal we are telling da boss that we are taking next thurs Friday and that Monday off unless we kill. Being the time change a hunt after work is non available Too bad but we are hunting lol he knows it's coming ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ now to go out and set in this rain probably not see **** ,or stay inside and not see anything forsure?!?!?
2018/11/01 11:22:38
A bit cooler this AM with the wind from the Northeast. Not a good direction for my benefit. May have to try and neak into the heart of the activity an get downwind. Hmmm.... go sit in a cold wet tree or stay warm and dry near the Keurig, decisions.. decisions.

Anyways, this rut thingy, I'm just not seeing much of anything yet. My biggest indicator, it ain't happening is seeing what bucks I've seen, still feeding. Nor am I seeing the Doe showing any sign of estrus.

The Gooder part, the rut can start at the drop of a hat so I guess I'd better plan on sitting in a tree, and getting my asz wet. The Keurig will be here when I get back.

Good luck to all .

Thunderpole, in my book, slate roofing is a work of art. Not many masters of that profession around.
2018/11/01 11:47:17
Saw what looked to be a legal buck chasing hard after a doe last evening about 6:20. About 125 yards away in a field on wrong side of the posted signs.  With the weather, it was already too dark to get a good look and I only saw them for a few seconds before they were gonzo.  Tuesday, we saw a little buck dogging a doe.  
Weird season so far on the main property we hunt.  Usually lots of scrapes have popped up along field edges by now, and I took a stroll around the perimeter the other day and didn't see a single one.  Twice as much corn as normal on this 30 acres we hunt, and it's still standing.  Deer densities are real high on the neighbor's 60 acres where only his two boys hunt for bucks during gun season.  All this corn is provided them a lot more cover, shelter and food than normal.  They don't really have a reason to move for much of anything and has definitely changed deer movement from the past few years.  Another guy that hunts the opposite side of the property said the same when I saw him the other evening.  Unfortunately, the guy that leases the ground to plant and harvest from the landowner is usually among the last around us to harvest too, often waiting until mid to late December.  
2018/11/01 13:22:56
Howdy Dave, good luck to you and Isaac.
I tried some still hunting, thinking all the rain would quiet the forest floor.  Welp I was partially right cause the leaves didn't go crunchy crunch with each carefully placed step.  But I'm now thinking, with their highly sensitive hearing, the elusive white tailed deer had no problem in hearing squishy squishy squish, with each carefully placed step.  Mercy, I can't remember last when the ground was so saturated. 
Heck even the deer know enough to find cover from the rain cause the only thing I saw getting it's butt soaked.... was me. 
Thank goodness my balome samidges stayed mostly dry.
Back at it at 5:30ish.
2018/11/01 15:00:11
Contemplating hitting the stand tonight or not. It is a steady drizzle here. Thinking I am gonna give it a go with my trusty tree umbrella.
2018/11/01 17:10:36
So much for that plan. Pulled into my spot and I forgot my pack which contains my rope cocker and hunting license. I switched over packs last night getting ready for my rutcation and forgot to load it back in my vehicle. . 
2018/11/01 17:36:28
Big Tuna
Sometimes things are meant to be.lol
2018/11/01 17:43:37
After seeing nothing in the rain last night, I awoke and went to work today only to see 8 sets of eyes laying in the field staring back at me as I pulled down the driveway. Stupid deer. Hasn't let up here all day and I didn't feel like getting wet again today, so I'm sitting this one out. Good luck to those that braved the rain today.
2018/11/01 18:03:00
So much for that plan. Pulled into my spot and I forgot my pack which contains my rope cocker and hunting license. I switched over packs last night getting ready for my rutcation and forgot to load it back in my vehicle. .ย 
know what they say bud shโ€”happens ... lol. Reminds me of a time my son was hunting with me , we can drive right to my one shanty at the end of a field ... anyhow son lives in Harrisville about 30 miles away from where we hunt. I got there early before him had stove all fired up see lights coming he gets there parks by my truck. Gets out get things out of his SUV , so used to locking it at work , yep locked the keys in it with his gun in his SUV... lol. Had to take my truck so he could go home and get his extra set of keys ...best part of story this was first day of buck rifle season .... he was not a happy camper. ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘

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