2016/01/28 07:47:39
Headed Pymatuning Saturday going to see about getting walleye anyone know a good spot and what tackle they hit on
2016/01/28 10:03:23
I know In the six days I and a couple friends fished Pymatuning we got one bite between the three of us and we talked to many others with the same story.  We used small and medium minnows, corn worms, maggots, Sonars, Dare Devils , and other jigs in 6 to 30 FOW.  We tried Tuttle and Jamestown.  Hopefully things will change and the bite starts when you get on the ice.  Also, ice is 4 to 6" and was good at Tuttle but much, softer at Jamestown.  Good luck!
2016/01/28 11:25:57
I decided to back-up and regroup regarding my adventures on the Ice; geeeeez what a difference a few miles can make.  The ice was much thicker, much clearer and really making a lot of weird noise.  
As one huge loud popping sound roared across the ice, leaving my two friends wondering what the hell they were doing out on the ice, came a voice from a distant group of ice shanty's and I quote; "there's one one that'll make some buttholes pucker" which, brought about some nervous ha haa's and giggles, unquote.
Seriously, though noisy, the ice was nice and we were successful (finally) with catching a few fish.  Their very first fish for my two friends and I wouldn't be surprised if, after we made our exit from the ice, those two guys didn't race to the nearest store to see who could buy the most ice gear.
Ice is nice......

First time ice anglers
1 of 2 Whiskered Walleyes

The ice is so clear, we could see the fish swimming underneath as we hauled them in.
Other fish included Gills, White Bass and, a Crappie.
Now if you will excuse me I have a appointment to make.............  on the ice.
2016/01/28 12:22:02
I decided to back-up and regroup regarding my adventures on the Ice; geeeeez what a difference a few miles can make.  The ice was much thicker, much clearer and really making a lot of weird noise.  
As one huge loud popping sound roared across the ice, leaving my two friends wondering what the hell they were doing out on the ice, came a voice from a distant group of ice shanty's and I quote; "there's one one that'll make some buttholes pucker" which, brought about some nervous ha haa's and giggles, unquote.
Seriously, though noisy, the ice was nice and we were successful (finally) with catching a few fish.  Their very first fish for my two friends and I wouldn't be surprised if, after we made our exit from the ice, those two guys didn't race to the nearest store to see who could buy the most ice gear.
Ice is nice......

First time ice anglers
1 of 2 Whiskered Walleyes

The ice is so clear, we could see the fish swimming underneath as we hauled them in.
Other fish included Gills, White Bass and, a Crappie.
Now if you will excuse me I have a appointment to make.............  on the ice.

Great to see you got into them!
2016/01/28 19:06:59
Fisherlady2 thank you kindly, I waaaaaas beginning to wonder.
Old dog there is no way you could have allowed that bucket to get away, not a authentic green Gander Mountain (lol)  I can remember back in the day when a guy would cherish his plastic bucket almost as much as his favorite ice rod.... 10-4?
I didn't make it out today, spent most of the afternoon building a sonar unit for the ice.  I had an old Hummingbird Wide One from 1993 I once used on canoe trips down the Allegheny.  Attached the Wide One base to the lid of an old ammo can, placed a 12 volt lead acid battery from a game feeder inside the box, installed a cigarette lighter  errrrrr..... power socket through the side of the can and, wired it.   Attached a 'power socket' plug to the Wide One power lead and bingo, the thing works........ I think.  The screen turns on and the unit responds to the simulator and the menu options pop up but, I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if the transducer works.  I know the newer units will go immediately to simulator if there is a problem with the transducers but I don't know if the older models did.
Heck, I need an excuse to sit on the ice tomorrow anyway.
Tite lines to everyone able to wet a line through the ice and to those who can't, think spring.
2016/01/29 08:00:44
Eman, How was the ice up there high point? Do any good, we want to head up tomorrow, if the ice allows!
2016/01/29 13:00:33
Sketchy...close to shore about 5".. Then a big stretch only 2-3 inches in spots... Middle about 10" but hard to get there it was flexing as I tried to get out
2016/01/29 16:18:36
Ehh thanks for the update, about where was that thin ice at?
2016/01/29 16:27:15
Shenango is still sporting 5+ inches at Chestnut but, the wind was something else today.  Two fellas I was with put some fish on the ice and I, well let's just say I had a normal day of fishing. Every darned time I would check my bait, it was gone and I'm thinking the bait must of been bad cause it kept falling off my hook.  
Did get to test drive my "new in the box" home made for the ice, sonar.  The dad-burn thing actually worked and I saw little fishy pictures of what was swimming beneath our feet.

2016/01/30 03:46:14
Big Tuna
Hot bite at Shenango,Celery farm of G.R.

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