Pretty neat that you folks have some history together on fishing grounds and otherwise.. Pafisher is the master of salmon fishing that I know of on this board, everyone could learn from that man and couldn't ask for a finer person . All folks that I have fished with so far have been good people , think you would fit right in.
As to your question about DSR.
Absolutely to me is one of the best wadeable and diverse sections to fish . Aprox, - 2 miles of opportunity to explore..
All above responses have been accurate. This is just mine to add..
To me I would chose that section above all on the river for salmon ( not so much trout ) if things were equal ,heck who wouldn't & it once was, and chaos ..
I'm not a big fan of pay to play for stream side angling but no matter what, entertainment cost $$ so I dug into the pocket for season access until it was no longer attainable .. It was great but by no means are other areas not at given times.. I could , & have posted pictures and video of some spectacular days on free water for all species, as have other folks, we live and learn..
What I can add is to not get discouraged about trying the dsr and timing.. It's pretty easy to stay in an area that holds fish and anglers , yes those not so anglers too, but if the fishing or people get frustrating then go EXPLORE..
It's a lot of transition water with small holding eddies,.. From there you will hopefully see and learn the migrating habits of the fishery and apply that in other areas in the future.. That will also help you get away from upriver crowing .. Comets and Bunnies are go to flies in that fresh outta the lake..
Good luck and hope to see you on the river