Here is part 2. Yes Trev a rep (the main guy rom Ontario ) from Canada has been at every meeting so far. They kept staying through and through that the charter signed between Ontario and NY states that Chinook is o predator for the lake and it is like a law. At the end they said that in a few months the scientists will make their report about what they think should be cut, in turn NY and Ontario's DEC will look at those numbers and make a decision. Here is the big IF , IF THE DESCISION IS LEFT UP TO THEM. Twice he alluded that there may be some sort of higher up that could over rule them......................
Keep in mind we will be missing the 4,5 and 6 year alwife in the next few years.
Lake trout and stockings.
LT can and will eat other things, they will eat Goby, plankton and other things. If the alwifes crash they will suffer , but make it through, just not grow as fast. They also do not get big fast like Chinooks. Takes 5 plus years for a LT to eat a Alwife that is 4-6 yo. So any lake trout that is stocked will not compete with salmon that are mature in the hard years to come. The competing fish, like the salmon are already in the lake. So cutting LT stocking may only hurt charters even more if the salmon keep declining. Meaning would you rather have Less salmon and less LT or less salmon and at least LT to catch. If bad winters continue LT cuts will be looked at.
More browns in the unused tanks that raise Chinooks. Can't happen as it takes 6 months or so to raise salmon and over a year to raise browns, there also is not enough cold water from the res and they are maxed out at cooling water to raise any more. Extra money too.
Coho and steel can get away with eating the smaller Alwifes too so they will remain at par.
Natural repo numbers were questioned as captains and fish cleaners (Shane ) said the numbers they have seen do not support numbers reported by DEC for fin clipped fish.
Why is the fishing better to the north and why do the fish just come up and run and not stage like in years past. Water temps, nutrients?? These were brought up. They think that these fish are evolving into their wn strain and losing the instincts of their Pacific ancestors. They are working on also mixing about 10% wild eggs into the gene pool to keep it fresh.
Any question shoot them I may have heard something else you want to know.