Rg , your not quite right . The lake management focus is about king salmon .
Charters HATE lake trout and would like nothing more then to stock more salmon and less to none on the lakers . Lakers & atlantics are a federal case.
We all know how the reduction to a 1 steelhead ( trib ) limit went . Lake guys kept their 3 and trib guys got reduced to 1 . It seemed to work IMO .
You will never , ever get the lake to reduce salmon to 1 fish .
As we also know , there were no zones in the beginning . Now granted there were more salmon stocked but there were crazy number of salmon in the river back then , could the natural reproduction be linked to way back then ?
Also , we experienced a drought year not to long ago when an emergency closure of the LFZ happened . Don't you think it might happen again ?
This is just food for thought at this point . We will find out the thoughts of the dec at tomorrow's meeting