2015/02/20 20:04:46

2015/02/20 20:05:48
thinking about moving outside of my comfort zone after all these decades.
2015/02/20 20:20:03
C-Mon................  you know I couldn't resist!
2015/02/20 22:56:01
Chris Johnson
The x-rap sub-walk have been really hot.

2015/02/21 07:00:18
chris, looks good but i'm looking for something to use on flats and bars in lakes for walleyes.  the x-rap does remind me of an old phillips lure from the sixties though.  
2015/02/21 07:32:06
thinking about moving outside of my comfort zone after all these decades.

Rap,  we have been using a floating rap minnow bait for shallow trolling with great luck.  We caught both walleye and steelhead which were suspended high out on the lake and steelhead when we trolled in near shore waters in the fall.   Our best colors on Erie were a rainbow trout color and I think the other was a baby pike color pattern, though I believe that one was a discontinued color.  
 I would sure give it a try, though you will have to play with color choices since the water color/clarity will be different where you are fishing.  Our fishing was all in full daylight also, so time of day may be a determining factor for your color choices.
2015/02/21 08:06:36
http://forums.fishusa.com/m/tm.aspx?m=518275 another thread about scatter raps. Sorry, mobile format link, may not work on PC? I just searched scatter rap.
2015/02/21 09:42:49
k, for walleyes, i have been using the traditional fll series for decades with success.  also the shad rap s5.  these scatter raps have a circular lip which is supposed to give it a wider action.  it sure got my interest.
2015/02/21 09:45:33
great link, fishinguy.  thank you.
2015/02/21 10:51:36
Just got a shadow rap looks good finish is perfect .

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