2015/01/16 15:21:32
I have lived in Canada and Burbot up there are called Ling. I have also heard them referred to as Eel Pout both in Canada and in the States.
2015/01/16 17:17:16
The fish is also called an eelpout or ling, and is allied to the codfish. The Lota vulgaris is a common European species. An American species
({Lota maculosa) is found in New England, the Great Lakes, and farther north.
2015/01/17 01:29:13
chili pepper
I have done the walleye pout, the perch pout, and of course the trout pout.
Never did the eel pout but I could learn.
2015/01/17 09:43:49
LOL.... Chili I know the feeling................  I'm on the forum right now because I'm doing the "no you can't go fishing" pout![font="%value"]
2015/01/19 11:44:59
When fishing in the cooler months along the Delaware Seashore, I have caught what the locals refer to as lingcod.  They look similar to burbots, but much smaller.  They are technically spotted hake.  Every one that I have caught was under 12" and maybe 2-3 in a day, so not worth keeping.  I do hear that they are very good eating though, and would be tempted to keep if I caught a larger one.  The actual lingcod of the Pacific NW look like a mix between a burbot and a walleye, very cool looking fish.  Cobia are one of the most prized gamefish of inshore saltwater fishing, primarily found south of Chesapeake Bay, also cool looking and supposedly like hooking into a locomotive.  I had one follow a bucktail fishing off of a pier on the OBX a while back, but couldn't convince it to take. 
2015/01/19 14:12:10
Hey, I wanted to thank you guys who have replied to my question on burbot fishing...nice to know that the Forum has a little traffic, even though the reports are non-existent...I live in Olean, NY, and have since 1983...When I left Erie, walleye fishing was bumping willow leaf crawler rigs on the bottom, and always within sight of shore due to the basic 16 ft. deep rowboat with the 25 horse engine...How things have changed over the years!!  I usually manage a  couple of outings a year for perch or yellows with Happy Jack, in case any of you know him...He's out there on the water every day possible...and when the water gets hard, he's out there ice fishing....My grandfather had a boathouse at the foot of Cherry St./Liberty St., west of the filtration plant and east of the sand docks at the foot of Cranberry...His place was one of nine or ten in a row....like townhouses with corrugated steel siding...Do any of you guys know where I mean??  One of my earliest childhood memories is watching my grandfather and my great uncle build his boat...I remember seeing the ribs...It was a 23 footer with a 160hp inboard engine...It was, until the last ten years or so, in continuous service in the Erie area....Sorry about dropping my reminiscences on you guys, but I guess I felt like typing...Have a great day...
2015/01/19 17:58:16
Read your post with great interest and the only thing I didn't care for was the word 'sorry'.  Never be sorry for recalling days gone by neighbor.  It's memories that make the world go round.  Your mentioning the construction of the boat brought back memories of watching my neighbor building a boat and then, watching my dad wire it.  Two years later I was fishing from that boat somewhere in Canada.  Can't remember the lake or place but, I sure remember the vacation with my friends.  That was 1960.
Thanks for the memories...................
2015/01/20 00:26:44
chili pepper
There was a road that went along the bay from the United Oil tanks at foot of Cranberry to State. It was so bad I only went down it once. It was like the moon. Full of craters. It is so much nicer now. Liberty Park is the best music venue I know of. Just a beautiful place to look at the bay and the sunsets.
2015/01/21 09:49:40
Chili Pepper, that was the road that we took to get to the boathouse...I spent a lot of time down there..the boathouse was where I first started fishing...I'd sit on the edge of the dock, fishing for whatever I could catch...
2015/01/21 09:50:59
Oh...I have not been to Liberty Park...sounds like you love it...I will check it out the next time I'm in Erie..

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