2018/07/04 10:28:22
Wonder why they never have the Crappiethon anymore at Pymy ? The top fish was a 35K payout for anyone in the contest with lots of other winners also released. It was sponsored by a lot of the local bait shops and fishing gear companies. It was a regular event for years in the late 80's and seemed to be a big draw for our area. I think it was only a few bucks to sign up back then at any local bait shop. Made fishing at Pymy a little more interesting to all!
In 1987 a guy caught the 35K fish and was in the contest but didn't see the tag, gave the fish to a neighbor he spotted the tag but it was too late.......35K fish dinner !....LOL
2018/07/04 17:34:05
Stump Jumper
I believe it was 1991 when my wife (then girlfriend) entered. It was a very fun event. We mailed our registration via US Mail in February. They gave a seminar on Friday night before the event and had a ton of raffle prizes as part of the reverse raffle, my wife was runner up for the grand prize (25 hp Mercury Outboard). We paid $35 to enter the contest. On Saturday we fished the south end and caught 0 crappie but pounded the smallmouth bass. We had a blast. At one point there was talk of the contest coming to Shenandoah but I don’t think it did. I do believe it was at Mosquito at some point. My cousin and his partner fished the contest every year it was at Pymie and placed in the top 10 a few times. I read articles in outdoor magazines that the Crappiethon was a major cause of decreased crappie fisheries in lakes where it was held. I liked the contest, it was fun and it was highly anticipated by local fishermen. It was nice thinking back about it. Gary
2018/07/05 01:04:08
Kokanee Killer
its all in the past captn time to move on
2018/07/05 10:23:06
Nothing like memories of good times and tight lines, 35K in the 80/90s would be quite the purse.  Hell for this part of the country, I'm thinkin' a 12" Speck would have been a headliner, and money in the bank, back in them days.
2018/07/05 11:07:03
Tangle free tom!
2018/07/05 12:52:36
Hope there weren't nobody fishin' Pymie when that storm came through 😱.
2018/07/05 14:32:31
Good article Crappie.........Just wondering why local bait shops and businesses don't encourage more fishing with old events like that. Had to bring in a lot of extra business over the season just like the article said. If I owned a bait shop or local business I'd sponsor a lunker contest every year in different categories and post the leaders names and photos. Pros might catch more fish but they don't catch the biggest ones every year! 
2018/07/06 05:42:00
I’d love for there to be something like that in the area unfortunately the blue army would probably win since they fish pyme daily. The people that work 60+ hours a week like myself would have a huge disadvantage against the guys who fish 40+ hours a week but it definitely would be fun trying to find a 35,000 dollar fish
2018/07/06 09:29:08
Captain, that would be just grand to hit the $35k fish. (Even after taxes, I'd be outta debt and retired)! Even a prize like the 25hp Merc would be awesome. Makes me wonder if anyone anywhere ever hit that Cabelas' tagged $1,000,000 fish. I sure don't remember readin' about it anywhere.

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