I diss agree .
We cited previous harsh winters the past 2seasons .
The thermocline was well established last year and the previous , it was cold water higher in the column . The excuse as to why we couldn't find them on the lake was they were dispersed due to cooler water all over the column & wandering out of where they should be . Was the trib spawning what it shoulda been ?
The excuse I'm citing now is warmer temps down through the column .
Well , the lake temps have dropped , the fish are not there . Why ?
Do folks not remember the wild abandonment of " if you stock them , they will come " ?
With an estimated stocking of 5 million , " they came " did they not ? At lest I can recall stinking , rotting and obese salmon everywhere that it became a problem .
Now we can throw in the forage theory this season , again , due to 2 past harsh winters as to the future runs / balance . The current numbers being thrown out are 50/50 stock/ wild with somewhere around 6 million estimate . REALLY ?
People are from what I'm hearing are "hooking" fish . They are picking away at the fish by methods that resemble those of the 80's . Folks are not " catching " fish by methods we should be of today .
This is a problem .
If some are saying there is enough fish to support the " system " , changes need to be made to the " system " for those who wish to " catch " salmon .
Personally , I don't feel there is enough in numbers of fish or the estimated figures being used to support every aspect currently used to remove the fish from the system.
While I can support the theory of :
1: not enough forage to support the lake
Those also entering the spawning grounds into a trib fishery also need to be addressed
Thanks L-13 for taking the time to post the links , attend the meetings and share your thoughts . These are old dogs that need to take some blinders off and look at what's happening