2015/05/31 21:56:28
I have this one:  http://www.amazon.com/Mako-CBT-S5-5-Feet-Sq-Mesh-White/dp/B005HJA0EU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433123355&sr=8-1&keywords=mako+cbt-s5
Basically a cheap (very cheap, thanks Amazon) 5' net with 3/8 mesh and a normal amount of lead per foot.  I think it is around a pound.  I actually have two of these nets, but that's a long complicated story.  Anyway, I'm thinking I might spring for a nicer one with more lead.  Will cost some bucks, but I've thrown a net long enough now that I can keep a nice one nice and actually profit from a better net.  This is one that I'm considering:  http://www.blackpearlcastnets.com/castnets.htm  Gold series.  The decision there is, go 8' for the 3/8" mesh, or 6' with the 1/2" mesh.  The bigger the hols the faster it sinks, that's a bonus.  But I'm not sure if I'm going to lose baits at the larger size.  I use this same net in the ocean, and tasty finger mullet might just fit through the bigger mesh.  
What are you guys using?  Anyone have something fancy, or just tossing Walmart/Amazon specials?
2015/06/01 15:54:52
I personally stay cheap.  Not only, because I am cheap...  But, so many times catching branches and rocks where I use mine.  From what I have read about the more expensive nets, they are softer and allows the net to open further and basically easier to throw the larger nets.  I am not sure if they are more durable as well?  If they aren't significantly more durable, then $150 vs. $50 isn't a great deal for ease of casting a relatively small net alone.  I'm able to open mine rather well on most throws, 8' radius, so I'm not too worried about an easier to throw net.  If I lived closer to salt water, and casting it in sand bottom water, then a nice 10'-12' radius net would be on my radar.  For me, the $50 destroyed net is much easier pill to swallow than $150.  I'd also stick with the 3/8".  I still get a few fish catching their gills in the mesh.
2015/06/01 16:03:27
Side note, you have no idea what a greek tragedy netting small fish is until you pancake your net on a whole school of 2" white perch that were pretending to be menhaden.  I'm talking about HUNDREDS of tiny fish gill netted like the worst 1960s salmon nightmare and you have no choice but to pick ever last one out by hand while the guy running the boat laughs at you.  I don't even feel bad that I killed a few hundred worthless bastard wps, since there were CLOUDS of them in the inter-coastal.  Bonus, they don't even make good bait.  
Joy is netting mullet.  Good sized manly baits that never tangle your net and live a long time in a good well.  Alwives fall somewhere in the middle.  They are a bit too rambunctious on the hook and they die too easily, mostly because they have 11 billion tiny scales that spray off when you even look at them.  Fresh cut though they are an unbeatable catfish bait.  If you drop some on the floor of the boat catfish will jump in to get them.
2015/06/01 16:49:16
Walmart special user here. Cheap and gets the job done. I do want to get a 6 or 8 foor radius one tho. Think mines a 3 footer now so takes a couple throws to be stocked up for a bit.
2015/06/02 10:04:16
One of my best moves ever, going to a larger net.  I kind of wish that I went with the 10'.  
Here is an easy throw that keeps the net out of your mouth or off of your shoulder.  It takes a little practice to get it out far and open, but you don't need to throw far here.
2015/06/11 00:14:14
New net on the way.  8' Ahi 200 series.  Sort of a starter_premium net.  has the 6 panel and the heavier weights (1.3/foot).  I'd have gone with a Betts or Black Pearl if I could have gotten it here by Friday.  I'll give a net report assuming I can get out Friday or Saturday.  PA weather and all that.  
2015/06/14 10:44:17
So about that new net:
1 - 1.3lbs/foot is HEAVY.  As in what did I get myself into heavy.  
2 - 8' of net is a lot of extra material.  To throw, to store, to get bait out of.
You really need to take your time setting up for your throw.  I can set my small net in a couple seconds.  But not that big one.  And you have to make an extra effort to make sure the lead line isn't tangled.  
It did catch bait though.  Not a ton, but they were pretty well spread out last night.  I'm thinking it will get easier to use, and be nice when bait is tough to catch.  But I might have to get a better quality small net.  One I can still set and throw easily, but that sinks faster.

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