2018/01/22 09:56:16
Rsquared thank you for the update on the Plunge.   Lots of people read this forum though they may not be members and the Pymie event can always use the Promo. 
2018/01/22 11:02:26
Did I mention who's coming to town?    Be catching fish on top the ice!!!!
2018/01/29 09:17:33
Boy the ice was making noises yesterday morning about 10:00 AM. Sorta sounded like  "Doo-whit." Thousand upon thousands of times, with an occasional "Cronk!" as the stress got so great the ice cracked. I tried to record the sounds on my cell phone but it must have some sort of noise cancelling function and it barely captured any of the sound.  Didn't see anybody on the ice and only ventured out about 100 feet myself as I was there to repair my well/pump.
 I did lower my underwater camera down my well just for giggles, don't know what I was expecting to see. Just a lot of suspended sediment, nothing exciting. Did find out my well is 39 feet deep and the water table is only 6 feet from the surface.
2018/01/29 10:04:53
Dang Roy I never could figure out how to spell that sound coming from the ice.   Ha Haaa... that's exactly the sound!!  Thanks, it's one of the neatest sounds to hear on the ice.  When it's real quiet with no wind, ya can hear it coming down the lake from far away then feel the ice shiver as it passes by.    If ya ever been on the ice with just a light dusting of snow, that's a sight to see.  Warming sun during the day then cold temps. settling back in during the night...  can be a symphony on the ice!
Hope ya got your well problem fixed, that certainly can be a PITA this time of year.  Then again, maybe good you worked on it now because, before the January thaw, it was colder than well diggers butt.  ... sorry!!
Nice to hear from you, hope all is well.
Tight lines.
2018/02/01 20:43:29
The Pymatuning Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club will host its 4th annual ice fishing tournament at Pymatuning State Park this Saturday, February 3rd.

Anybody gonna compete this Saturday?
2018/02/02 04:21:30
Is the ice even safe? Never been ice fishing but would love to give it a try just don’t have the equipment to do so
2018/02/03 20:55:04
Anybody hear how the ice fishing tournament turned out today? I wanted to take the plunge but dammed if I could find my Speedo!!!😳
2018/02/08 22:17:53
I don't know how many guys fishing at Pymie today might read this forum or even this thread but if you do....  you have my total respect.  GOOD GREIF, how did some of you guys make it all the way out to the center of the lake?  Yinz have a snowmobile or a dog sled or big asz drone or sumpthin???
IMO, the snow and underlying slush covering the ice...... was horrible.  I arrived at Jamestown boat launch and never even attempted to take a stick out onto the ice.  I'm such a wuss anymore, but I'm glad, I took a few steps onto the ice before unloading my junk from the trunk of my vehicle.
You guys can have my share of the Pymie ice... for the time being.
Good times and tight lines.
2018/02/09 09:40:03
Going to give Pymy a shot tomorrow and Sunday, even if it is just to drill a couple holes and check the ice thickness. If it is not safe I will find something else to do. :)
2018/02/09 10:04:34
Roy I did find questinable ice off the boat launch at the 'old' Jamestown Marina. I wouldn't recommend accessing the ice from there unless you have a spudbar. That area definitely had me doing the WTH jig in getting back to the ramp.

As for the other areas, it was just the deep snow and uderlying slush that I think would have made for some really tough dragging your junk to a spot for fishing. Especially with that stupid west wind blowing all day, a shanty was a must IMO. No thank you very much, better days are coming... like today when I seek better cnditions elswhere.

I did check the "Pines" area and didn't find slush to be laying under cover of the snow but I didn't venture but 20 yards onto the ice, following tracks of others, where I talked myself into heading home.

I'm such a wuss. 😳 😜

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