2018/04/05 12:17:05
Buy that so i can goose hunt crappie..
2018/04/05 12:35:16
 Wish I could shoot Seagulls Ed. Looking out kitchen window last time up the flocks were out of controll. Don't know how to post pics. or would. They leave small patches or corn un-cut out back for Goose hunting. Asked my son about those hooks but he said he has mostly Mustads, around 500,000 in stock.
2018/04/05 22:11:49
Returned to the docks at Jamestown last spring a few hours after sundown and my vehicle was the only one in the parking lot.  Pulled my trailer to the launch and backed down the ramp.  Stepping from my vehicle I felt grateful the area was well lit by the overhead light, being it so dark and all.  Not a sound to be heard except for the creek and moan of the dock as I walked to my boat.  Unlashed my dingy from the dock cleats and as I stood and turned, at the other dock, a man dressed in insulated brown overalls standing in an old Starcraft run-about.  He was holding a kerosene lantern in one hand and,  a bow rope in the other.  Never  said a word as he tied his boat then stepped to the dock and headed up the gangplank.  I watched him walk into the parking area where the light from his lantern faded out.  Not giving it much thought I finished loading my boat when I turned and found, the Starcraft was no where around.  
2018/04/05 22:49:03
Ok BTDT .... that’s it passing on any future fishing outings with you .... nope , not happening ....dropping the mic !! 🍺🍺😜
2018/04/06 00:19:35
Getting my trolling rods ready this weekend, boat is ready, warmer weather middle of next week, will be ready.
2018/04/06 07:22:28
2018/04/06 10:53:00
Mopars that night sure had me thinking and it brought back memories of an evening when I was launching just before sunset.    I had pulled in to Jamestown and was releasing my tie downs, I noticed the silhouette of a  boat on the other side of the lake, just off the point. 
My game plan was pulling lead core, back and forth, from the launch to the dam while keeping in 25' plus water until dark, when I switched to blade baits and jigs.   
There was no moon that night and after sunset it got pitch black so I fired up my lantern and continued to fish.  The night was dead still with no breeze, requiring the use of my electric motor to force a slow drift, as I continued fishing for the elusive Walleye.   My curiosity was beginning to get the best of me as the other boat, now only marked by a dull flickering light, remained in the same location.  So me being me, changed drift heading and set course to see what I could see. 
As I closed in, not wanting to sneak up and maybe startle somebody enjoying a night of fishing (or sumpthin else) I called out "YO DUDE how they biting"??  No answer came from the boat so I gave a few blast with my air horn and that's when the dull flickering light became blinding white, almost like a extended lightning flash.  When my eyes cleared, no light, no boat, only a very strong smell of burned kerosene. 
2018/04/06 11:07:31
Ok BTDT ... lol πŸ‘πŸ‘
2018/04/06 14:04:48
"When my eyes cleared, no light, no boat, only a very strong smell of burned.......wild weed" ! 
2018/04/06 14:35:09
Speaking of lanterns.................
A young man and an old man were fishing on the Pymy spillway . The young man started telling the old one that the night before he caught a walleye that was over 3 1/2 foot long.
The old man replied "Oh yea, well I was here 2 nights ago and I hooked something huge. After a 30 minute fight I finaly got it up and it was an old lantern and the thing was still lit."
The young man said "Your lying. I can't believe that."
Then the old man said "I'll tell you what, you knock a couple of foot off your Walleye and I'll blow out my lantern."

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