2018/04/04 22:27:31
Lol ... well guys my GPS is in my gun case , boat is covered up still under carport , it’s 25 and snowing still ... I’m going to a NASCAR Race in 2 weeks ... so maybe by the time I get back you will have all the info I need to put in MY gps so I will know were to go and not waist time finding lunch ..... ok thanks guys πŸ˜œπŸ‘πŸ˜œ
2018/04/04 22:37:09
old dog
Dammit Dog, I just punched all that info into my gps and it looks like I'm fishing by my shed tomorrow!

2018/04/05 08:25:28
I like Robinson's shop, but when I leave the place I smell like I just smoked a pack of cigarettes. :)
2018/04/05 08:43:16
Some fishing guides are worse than bait shops when it comes to pitching out fake fishing reports. The guides say we killed them last week hurry on up, then when you get skunked they say "right after you left".... the next day .......fishing was great again ! $$$$ cha....ching !
My favorite all time fishing lie is the one about the diver working below the local dam. He seen Catfish as big as him swimming underwater there ! He was actually scared !.....lol 
2018/04/05 09:06:25
Well I'm 6'6'' so maybe it wasn't quite as big as me!!  But it was BIG!  
2018/04/05 09:14:16
old dog
i've heard this same story about pymy, milton, berlin, mosquito, hamilton and other nearby lakes.  i always laughed too because the story teller swears that his buddy talked to someone who actually saw the fish.

Don't forget every one of Pittsburgh's 3 Rivers too.  Except there the catfish are even bigger than the divers!  
2018/04/05 09:54:37
Ixnay on the ghost at Pymie.... they don't take kindly to spotburning.

They hear and see everything....on YoutubeπŸ’€πŸ‘»
2018/04/05 10:36:42
One night wade fishing at Pymy another fisherman was there also fishing. He had asked me if I night fished a lot and I said yes I do every spring. Then he asked me if I'd ever seen those strange green lights skipping above the water and then disappear ? No I haven't ....he said he's seen them several times over the years really weird looking lights. ???????
2018/04/05 11:54:00
Speaking of Bigfoot , a guy I worked with use to sneak into Meander Reservoir to fish once in awhile. Seems all that nice looking water is a major temptation to all who live around the lake that's posted to fishing or entering. He would wear a camo gilly suit to blend into the surroundings. Now the best part is he's 6' 8" tall .....so on his way in one trip a woman spots him and calls police and claims that she's just seen Bigfoot near the lake !...lol  We'll police never checked very well and he got away with fishing that day , but a friend of his heard the call over a scanner and told him! LMAO !
Poor woman probably thought she was going crazy !
2018/04/05 12:09:59
    Even if someone said they limited out quick on nightcrawlers in a certian area, There are many, many ways to use/rig one. Some times you just have to find out which works. Have gone from zero bites to one every cast in the past (helps having a fishing partner) that is killing them his way .
 Don't even get me started on ghosts at Arthur. Fished that place many a moon myself until dawn  Our place at Pymy has a right away through the property for the cemetary. Found some old head stones on ours as well. My old lady always asks if I herd or saw anything in the house when I return home. Neighbors have told me the place was used for underground railroad long ago.
 Looked at a place for sale not far from Robinson's last month with 14 acres, newer double wide & new large pole building. The pole building could not ov been any closer to a abanded grave yard. Shame no one has taken care of it for decades.

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