2017/08/21 18:06:31
NWS listing Severe Storm Warning for Lake Wilhelm and area. 55 MPH winds possible.
2017/08/21 21:04:59
That was some thunder with attitude with that storm scared the crap out of me, it echoed down the river valley by the New Hamburg/ Big Bend area.
Storm was a little south all we got was a couple drops and that thunder..
2017/08/21 21:21:35
I saw that one coming on the radar after the alert from the NWS. I know Wilhelm can get dam wicked with some storms.

I just returned from my mailbox and as I walked down my drive, directly to the west and all alone, a huge cloud looking to be straight up was just full of lightning.
2017/08/22 13:36:17
Yumpin Yimminy......

That one 'neaked right up on me..... sozin it did.

Was workin in the mancave cleanin the mower deck on the Zee when the trees began to pitch. Thought my birch was gonna bend right over and touch the driveway.

Rain was coming down in sheets forming a pond in my front yard. Also very glad I wasn't between the lighting bolt and whatever it hit.

Couple trees now laying on the ground but they ain't smokin so I don't think they was what was zzzzaped.

Clear sky's now but sure is a lot of thumpin and bumpin to my NE.

More storms possible through this evening according to the NWS dude.

Keep your eye to the sky and stay dry.
2017/08/22 14:50:55
Yeah we got hammered pretty good here in Franklin...was out in Utica area this morning getting my oil changed at my buddy's house he had a lift ... getting to old to be laying under cars anymore 😜👍... anyways just made it back before all the craziness broke out... wind , lightening and heavy rain , got a 1" of rain in 15 minutes .... Also you're right BTDT Wilhelm can get nasty fast ...
2017/08/22 15:30:51
Look out Wilhelm round two coming..... Wind and heavy rain.

Mopars your next.....
2017/08/22 19:20:36
Driveing back from pymy on 79 . White nuckel would be a understatement. Never seen so much water . Had to pull over twice.
2017/08/22 20:22:29
Eppy them interstates can be a bad place in weather like that. Glad to see you made it safely.

My swimming pool is now a couple of inches deeper and adorned with leaves, twigs and few fair sized branches.

Pond in my front yard has now receded and all the geese have since left.
2017/08/22 21:03:02
Third round of wind and heavy rain now passing over the area.

Like the other two times, passing through quickly but a ton of rain.
2017/08/24 13:24:09

MSM reports Harvey is a full fledged hurrican. All MSM personel are to immediately break out their emergency kits, don their Depends and stretch the condoms over their heads.

Annnnnnnd right in the middle of the news alert they break away to announce the Powerball winner.

Why do I hate TV???

PS. Congratulations to the winner.

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