2016/07/09 16:55:58
hot tuna
Weather was really good out on lake yesterday . We put about 6 hrs in with no bites .
Learned som things . Today it was a 2-3 foot chop . Lost 2 kings in 90-110 fow . Landed a 6.5 brown . Chop and wind made a few messes with us and about $150 in lost tackle ( ball, dipsy & rigs )
Ah well it's been a great adventure so far . Snyders little salmon inn and Dans chichen shack have been awesome . Heading back for another round of good local people
2016/07/12 13:08:11
Glad you are hitting some Rich.
Keep it up.
Agree on good local folks too.
Really missing it up there -
Generally have at least a dozen day or two trips up by now ( since Feb) in addition to a week in Winter and bout the same in Summer.
Early Fall cant come soon enough.
2016/07/13 10:42:24
Glad you are hitting some Rich.
Keep it up.
Agree on good local folks too.
Really missing it up there -
Generally have at least a dozen day or two trips up by now ( since Feb) in addition to a week in Winter and bout the same in Summer.
Early Fall cant come soon enough.

When you're missing it up there Trev think about all those chores that you don't have to do,that should help the pain!
2016/07/13 10:50:33
hot tuna
While I don't own property up there ( yet ) myself , I enjoy puttering around on the boat and visiting the locals when we get blown off the lake . I should start fishing the river for smallies or unicorns .
I have a bunch of pictures from last week ( fish too ) that I have to upload yet and we are heading back up again Friday morning .
I have 3 and 4 day weekends planned for Great Lake adventures right through the 3 rd week in August .
On that note :
The salmon have shown up in numbers and size . Charters at my Marina have been doing well and the LOC summer tourney is putting up some really nice fish
2016/07/13 14:54:09
hot tuna
While I don't own property up there ( yet ) myself , I enjoy puttering around on the boat and visiting the locals when we get blown off the lake . I should start fishing the river for smallies or unicorns .
I have a bunch of pictures from last week ( fish too ) that I have to upload yet and we are heading back up again Friday morning .
I have 3 and 4 day weekends planned for Great Lake adventures right through the 3 rd week in August .
On that note :
The salmon have shown up in numbers and size . Charters at my Marina have been doing well and the LOC summer tourney is putting up some really nice fish
That's good news on the Salmon Rich,now my motor is starting to race.Anyone have a report on water levels above the dam?It's really dry down here so I'm a bit concerned about the water up there.
2016/07/13 17:20:38
hot tuna
water levels are pretty low, sans 2007 & 12 ? .. Wasn't that the drought years ? I'm pretty sure that in 07 even with the drought, the salmon run was off the charts as I was in the DSR..
My prediction , given what I'm seeing so far on the Lake and the reports from the DEC lake survey,  is that there will be a very decent amount of fish, there is now anyway .. How the river fishing plays out though (low water, tight quarters ) I have no idea, it may get crazy..  ..
2016/07/13 17:31:36
Good chit, HT. Glad to hear good times, and fishy ones at that.  I've never fished the river for smallies, I really need to right that around. Oh yeah, I did poach a little one out of Schoolhouse (we snuck in down the powerline), but that don't count.
2016/07/14 12:12:35
Where are our locals for a water report.....Andy....Clint ,you have any news on the water levels?
2016/07/14 20:15:22
Clint S
Water levels as far as the res?  It is decent shape for the lack of rain. They  cancelled the Recreational release last weekend.  The big rains from yesterday missed the tug.  Going to get worse if the rain does not come.
2016/07/15 10:59:23
Glad you are hitting some Rich.
Keep it up.
Agree on good local folks too.
Really missing it up there -
Generally have at least a dozen day or two trips up by now ( since Feb) in addition to a week in Winter and bout the same in Summer.
Early Fall cant come soon enough.

 Also remember the nasty deerflies that you are no longer feeding while doing those chores.  I had swarms of them around the truck again on Wednesday PM, and they were also quite nasty down on the river Wednesday night and yesterday.

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