That's funny Pike I sure know the feeling. By the time I get one knot tied with ease, I've forgotten the stupid name of the last one. Like the idea of using an old lure for practice, that's what I do when I first set my lead core, I use an old hot-n-tot with no hooks to get the general line counter setting. Don't catch fish that way but, I sure have reduced my lure losses.
Before I forget thanks for mentioning the Dipsy Divers using braided line, definitely will try that.
I'm not new to tying knots just, braided line and especially to lead core (marcos fault). I am however, a bit gun shy when it comes to talking about knot tying, involving fishing line. Stems from (keep this under your hat) my younger days just after being married. The wife and I both enjoy fishing as did, many of her family members and some friends. It was only natural, at get together's, to bring up subjects of fly tying, new gear, lures, and even what knot was better than another. Well I had, mostly out of winter boredom, made up a knot board where I would glue the different knots along with the proper name of each.
Wellllllllll we were at a Pre-Christmas party-party being hosted at our house which was attended by friends and family members. The wine, beer and whiskey were flowing and as one would expect, the conversation turned to wishin we was fishin. It was the wife who mentioned my new hobby and how I had used the board as a display. Suddenly, from across the room, came the voice of my brother-in-law; "hey John, why don't you show everybody your knots"! Jeeesh, I spent a loooooong time in the dog house over that misunderstanding.
Gotta go get ready for tomorrow, Pymie beckons............