2018/04/08 14:13:02
They are supposed to come back in the near future to trap net muskys. No doubt what they net will take my breath away, as did the walleyes.
I agree...money making propaganda with the pictures.
We shall see.
2018/04/08 15:29:20
Captain Hook

Just thought of this interesting little tid bit from the response that the fish commission sent me.

Brian A. Ensign| Fisheries Biologist – Area 2
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission
172 Fish Hatchery Lane | Tionesta, PA 16353
Phone: (814) 755-3890 | Fax: (814) 755-3452
Email: bensign@pa.gov

Let me know what you find out about the missing stocking information Brock
2018/04/08 15:40:06
A friend of mine had a pond about 50x50'....mostly full of Bass and a few Crappie....there were days you could catch 20 Bass.....there were days you caught 2.....go figure.....and that was only 50x50 !
So when you look at a lake miles long......it's a challenge.
2018/04/08 15:49:19
Is that it?


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2018/04/08 16:01:16
Indeed it is a challenge.
Maybe I don't know what I'm doing either as far as fishing.
I can accept that.
I had a pond, many years ago, that I could fish on any given evening, and catch at least one nice bass.
And then there was nothing, and I thought, something is wrong.
A few days later......everything was floating.
Algae bloom killed them all.
My point is....maybe I don't know the right methods or baits to use like I did in the past to catch fish there? But tell me if the deck is stacked against me, as in.....how many gizzard shad am I competing against.
48% of the fish population like in 2010?
I'm glad the biologists are finally assessing the lake so I'll know.
2018/04/08 19:29:46
Mike do you think there might be truth in the PFBC attempting to create fish specific lakes, beginning in the 90s?

How many years was Wilhelm open before we saw the Shad explosion?

I've fished Wilhelm since it was opened and I don't recall ever seeing or smelling the massive schools of shad such as I have, since the late 90s.

Hell, I fished 'above the logs' before electric motors were permitted and I never saw shad until the past several years and they are huge!!
2018/04/08 20:15:13
BTDT I'm not sure I follow you as far as creating fish specific lakes?
I never realized how big the shad get until this year.
2018/04/08 20:28:15
As far as stocking, Wilhelm was pegged as a primary Bass fishery, Shenango Hybrids, Pymie Walleye, etc.
2018/04/08 22:29:49
That's it MD....I see nothing for Walleye stocking in 2017 ??????? Wonder why?
Pymy gets 4-6 million Walleye every year and I have no problem with that, but there are several other local lakes around that get fished steady and I'm sure more Walleye stockings would be welcome .
Yea I'm saying fishing is tough in a large body of water normally, and when the baitfish explode in population we are screwed even more. Even the best fishermen get skunked .....ask all the Walleye tournament guys last year at Pymy.......lots of shutouts that day !
I've read where some states have had better results stocking every other year. Doesn't create as much feeding competition for fingerlings.
Soon as it warms a bit I'm casting plugs till the water is foaming up !
2018/04/09 08:52:00
Indeed it is a challenge.
Maybe I don't know what I'm doing either as far as fishing.
I can accept that.
I had a pond, many years ago, that I could fish on any given evening, and catch at least one nice bass.
And then there was nothing, and I thought, something is wrong.
A few days later......everything was floating.
Algae bloom killed them all.
My point is....maybe I don't know the right methods or baits to use like I did in the past to catch fish there? But tell me if the deck is stacked against me, as in.....how many gizzard shad am I competing against.
48% of the fish population like in 2010?
I'm glad the biologists are finally assessing the lake so I'll know.

Blame a fellow angler, who dumped the stupid gizzard shad into the lake. Nothing is worse than a local yokel, who thinks he is a biologist.

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