2018/06/09 09:56:11
Another fine catch 👍
2018/06/09 09:59:46
Heyyyy Mopars!!!

Helix worked today.... stupid fish.

yes like Crappie said , nice catch there bud ... going to have to get some lessons from you ... MY FRIEND 😜👍
2018/06/10 15:34:06
Fished a crappie tourny yesterday on Arthur...winning weight was over ten pounds for 8 fish...never saw crappie that big caught there...big fish was 2 lbs...we caught plenty of fish but only had 5 lbs 6 oz...caught 5 hard fighting strippers as a bonus...good day 
2018/06/10 16:49:50
Hey Atte I see Canonsburg on your location, nice town wife has relatives around there, but what is that foul smell at night that is all they way up to interstate 79 when I'm heading North just past the exit ? I've gone by several times at night and it's really noticeable in that section several times . Just wonder what it is,has a strong sewer like smell.
2018/06/10 21:08:35
pheasant tail 2
Not butt in...…..Its the sewage treatment plant along Chartiers Creek.
2018/06/11 13:47:38
pheasant is right...smell comes from sewer treatment plant right by chartiers creek and southpoint
2018/06/11 19:25:35
OK thanks guys , just wondered why so rank in that small stretch ....I feel for anyone living near there.
2018/06/21 22:01:37
Well spent some time at Wilhelm today with my Son & Grandson .. Great day on water nothing to brag about but did bring some crappie and a perch home.i drove the boat most of the day ...lol and grandson had a ball all that counts 👍....only 6 made it home , out of about 13 in 4 hrs and the young man caught most of them .... lol


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2018/06/21 23:07:32
Good for you Steve, the smiles in those pics sure tell a story of tight lines and good times. 👍
2018/06/21 23:28:47
Good for you Steve, the smiles in those pics sure tell a story of tight lines and good times. 👍
Thanks bud , yeah he was all smiles the whole time ... when we were leaving the marina he wanted to know when we were doing this again .... made my day 😜👍

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