2018/04/26 17:37:57
Thank you BTDT,
Yes, both of my children are definitely blessings.
My daughter spent the most part of last summer on an internship in Montana and so she hopes to one day end up back there in the field of Biology.
She has had some interviews to work in the labs at chemistry companies as well here in PA in the same field.
My son Mike (per Mikesdad) will be attending PSU in the fall with a major in the field of criminology.
Proud dad no doubt.
I caught the Park Manager at Wilhelm, Bill Wasser one day as he was coming out of the office and trying to get into his truck. I pulled up next to him and he started telling me how busy he was with permits and the field trips he had taken with the local school kids around the lake and how the fish biologists had just stopped in there that day to tell him that they were done with the walleye netting.
Just casual talk.
I threw a bunch of questions at him about the lake and the biologists that were there etc.
If he didn't know the answer, like when I asked, "How do they get the fish to go into the trap nets?" he just said he wasn't sure.
I respect that honesty.
And then he said offhandedly, when I was all out of questions, "I just thought I'd take a ride around to see my park after being cooped up inside all day".
I am glad that you and I agree that the bottom line is that the shad are in the lake and how, or why, they got there is non-relevant at this point.
It is what it is.
Like I said, what can I do to help, if anything.
As per phosphorus levels, I was told a story (which I believe) about a farmer that had a manure dam break (in the not too distance past), on one of the hillsides surrounding Wilhelm.
The manure killed everything in the creek on its way to the lake.
Since then, the farm has been acquired by a new owner who is very willing to work with 'The Park' to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
I am hoping that 'many eyes' are on Lake Wilhelm now as far as the fish biologists and the DEP as far as the lakes 'health' and the run off from the surrounding areas.
Time will tell
2018/04/26 20:33:58
Mikesdad during your conversation with Mr. Wasser was there, by chance, any mention of Wilhelm joining the ranks of "panfish enhancement" and having "creel limits" placed on the Crappie?
2018/04/28 13:44:13
No I never thought to ask that question.
Here is his email address if you'd like to ask. He's pretty good at getting back:


I was surprised to learn a Park Manager is somewhat like the manager of a store and not the PBFC.
Maybe everyone knew that but me.
2018/04/28 14:04:05
No need to contact Mr. Wasser on my behalf,  with Pymatuning  (A/K/A;PYMY) now under the reg.s and Shenango under consideration for the same, I was just wondering if you had heard any rumors for Wilhelm.   
Panfish enhancement reg.s are not popular with everyone and even though Wilhelm has done a turn around without said regulations, after seeing the the coolers filled with crappie, gills and, perch coming off boats fishing the lake (the "past two" years(No need for panic guys;not spot burning)), I gotta wonder, if it may not be a bad idea for some sort of regulation.
2018/05/05 19:05:53
Daughter's cap last night at graduation.
Gotta love it.


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2018/05/05 20:22:22
Congratulations to a very proud dad and his daughter.  
2018/05/07 22:14:09
Did yinz ever have one of them days? Well I did today and along with my younger bro we rocked em.

Sooo,  yinz know I don't spot burn but I know my secrete will be safe on this thread and, yinz won't tell those fellas on them other boards.

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2018/05/07 22:24:37
Awesome BTDT .... be there Wednesday morning 👍👍...maybe I’ll pay for gas and bait and come pick up my order of fish Wednesday evening .... lol
2018/05/07 23:09:16
Thanks Steve, the seven on the board all scored 11 plus inches with 9 to 10 in.  Black Crappie in the bucket.  We had a ball and will be doing it again real soon.  In fact, I'm scheduled to fish another lake tomorrow followed by a fishing trip with my nephew Wednesday afternoon. 
The lake was mostly flat when we started around 3:00 PM and we were catching a few keepers here or there.  We began catching smaller Black Crappie fishing around some fallen timber but when the wind turned on we started catching the bigger 9 to 10 inchers using my infamous home tied, suppose to look like something for fishing,  jigs.  The bigger (11+) came early evening as we tossed jigs around sunken lumber in shallow water off shore.  Definitely a good time and tight lines.  Good luck this Wednesday, go get em.
2018/05/09 22:55:31
'nother one them days. Story at 11:00.

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Launched bright and early around 2:30 PM and was barely on the water when I began drifting toward the causeway, nnnnnot because I wanted too drift but because, the motor ran out of gas because somebody forgot to squeeze that stupid black ball thingy on the fuel line and the wind was near gale force.   Good thing though 'cause I drifted far enough to see a boat, about the middle of the lake,  with a person in the bow trying to paddle.  So me being me, I went to see what I could see and what I seed was two guys in a boater moat with a motor that wouldn't start.  "Motor not getting any fuel" says the older gent sitting in the back, "I think the fuel line is plugged".  "Did you squeeze that black ball thingy" I asked?  "Yep sure did" came the reply, "just acts like there's no gas getting through".  Soooo, me being me, and the nice guy I am, towed the old boys over to the dock, wishing them luck with their motor as I bid them farewell.
Anyways, the plan was to meet my nephew for a few hours of fishing "and now you know, the rest of the story.


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