2018/04/18 16:47:10
No wonder D-nymph and Porktown go around and around with you, cause you are so obtuse.

Welcome to the club! 
2018/04/18 17:23:41
Geeez, did I say something wrong. Gosh, I was only stating facts. You mentioned Dnymph and Porktown, you know those "bots" and was that you sitting with them, at the children's table?
2018/04/19 15:48:37
No wonder D-nymph and Porktown go around and around with you, cause you are so obtuse.

Andy Dufresne got like a month in the hole for calling the warden obtuse... ouch!
2018/04/19 16:38:17
I just consider the source......
2018/04/19 17:11:15
I just consider the source......

BTDT, you ever get urself a  kayak?
2018/04/19 19:15:42
Not yet Wayne, been busy making improvements around my place and looking at real estate along the river. Looked at a place today and darned if there wasn't two yaks in the basement. 😏

Heck, I ain't been fishing since last May. Hopefully I can finish up a project this weekend and get on the water this coming week. But not in a kayak.

Rumor has it Walleye are hitting on a popular lake but I ain't askin no questions.

A guy can get his head bit off for seeking information. 😁

Good to see ya on the boards hope to see ya on the water.

2018/04/20 09:08:16
thanks john.  hopefully you can get out soon!  good luck on finding a place on the water!
i bought a 2nd kayak... "for my wife".  i'd be happy to bring both to a lake of your choice and you give one a spin if you like.
might hit wilhelm early next week... depends on which day mother nature is more cooperative.
2018/04/20 09:45:31
Appreciate the offer Wayne but I better wait for warmer water. lol

I'm hoping to get out next week also. Every day if I can, will look for you.

Missed out on one property and a second just needed way too much work and I'm far too old to play that game.

Looked at another place yesterday that has a great place to launch and retrieve kayaks or a jet.

Haven't ruled out Pymie yet but there some weird property boundaries with the park. One place we looked at, you walk through the front door, through the housd and when you step off the deck, you are in the park. ummm, NO!

I don't care how good the walleye fishing, I need my space.

Decisions......decisions..... decisions. lol.
2018/04/24 18:51:35
Soooooo Mike, tell us, how do you feel about Biologist?  lol   
I myself, like them..... to be working some place else, besides the PFBC & PGC but that's me, just being me. 
Sumpthin else too, when attending a school of higher education, do not look for any courses called "using common sense" or "thinking outside the bubble" as they just do not exist. 
Anyways, and on another subject,  what is that dead fish??  

Naaaaa.....I have nothing against biologists at all and I admire their work and schooling and am glad to see them back at Lake Wilhelm to assess the lake.
As a matter of fact, in talking to the Park Manager at Lake Wilhelm, Bill Wasser, I came to find out that he has a degree in biology.
Heck of a nice guy and I bounced thoughts off of him several times when I spoke to him and he was courteous and and gave me other things to think about.
Come to think about it, my daughter will be graduating from PSU in a week, with a degree in biology, and she was with me at one of the Wilhelm Park meetings.
How cool was that to have my 'soon to be biologist' daughter sitting next to me bringing up things about the phosphorous levels in the lake and how they were going to monitor them and how she could get involved?
Too cool.
Its too bad that a 'troll' chooses to use terms like 'local yokel', 'idiot' and 'sub-par angler' and so on and so forth.
Obviously 'a know it all'.
Anyway, " A done bun can't be undone"
The Gizzard Shad have over-run the lake.
So what, now what.
That is my issue.
I am glad that the biologists went back to Lake Wilhelm after 8 years of being away.
I am glad that they netted big, huge fish.
As per the Gizzard Shad problem at the lake?
Is there anything that we can do about it without causing even more problems????
Is there anything thing that I can do to help?
"It is what it is" then.
"PSU Fish"
Ok, I am fine with being a sub-par angler.
There's an a##hole for every seat, and a troll for every message board.
If the shoe fits.................
Its just too bad that people can't bounce ideas off of each other, without the name calling.
Enough said
2018/04/24 21:53:45
Mikesdad, congratulation to you and your daughter on her graduation from PSU. Was Biology her major and will she be continuing her education in that field?

The park manager sounds like he is accepting the challenge of returning the park back to a family oriented facility and bringing Wilhelm back to a family friendly fishing lake. Seeing the boat traffic on the water the past year alone, is evidence the lake is turning around. Seeing the size of the panfish being caught the past two years is certainly encouraging and the gooder part, I've actually caught a few fish too!! How great is that?

As for the shad, no matter how or why it was done, what's done is done and we'll just need deal with it.

As for the phosphorus, I heard the same story, along with run off from pastures and fertilized farm fields, 35 years ago, in that very same park office. So did the safe guards put in place fail or we just hearing hyped up reports to bolster somebody's agenda?

Kind of like the sudden rise in PCBs in the Shenango River down stream of the lake, I suppose.


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