2018/02/06 07:49:25
  Make catch & release - no harvest (no tournaments permitted) from dam --> 227 yards downstream ov all LAKES from March 1 --> Oct. 31. The exception would be Trout, Panfish, Catfish, Carp, Suckers & Baitfish.
2018/02/06 11:28:31
Slot limits should help increase or stable future numbers ....just a few thoughts ...how about on Walleye you are allowed to keep any from 15-20" all others are released. Those are your best eating size anyway. Most females are your larger size fish so we would be tossing back most of them.  I'd favor a short window shutdown for spawning season also....maybe Feb.1st - Apr. 1st.
2018/02/08 09:21:42
aaaaand now for the latest news at Shenango...........from two days ago.  (Somebody there 'must not have gotten' the memo, Guvment has been open for bidnizz on a daily bases now.)    HELLOooo Shenango????
Anyways, the last update given on Feb 6th is Mahaney and Clark Recreation Areas are closed due to weather conditions.(imagine that!!!(wait til somebody shows up for work and sees what happened the past two days, they'll be closed til May))
7 sluice gates are open to 1.5 feet and the lake level is a tad above 886 feet.
Ice fishing reports are scarce and catching reports are even scarcer.  Like wise, ice conditions are just as scarce because I think guz are scared the ice may be scarce.  Wish I had more to report but I don't so I won't.
My best recommendation is to go fish where you don't have to park and drag your junk a hundred and fifty yards through this new fallen snow, before you even get, to the edge of the ice.
Good luck, good times and, tight lines.
Your friend and mine,
2018/02/22 09:15:56
Are the docks in yet??? 
Pool Elevation: 890.59, which is 4.08 feet below normal summer pool.
Sluice Gates 1 - 7 are open to 3.5 feet each.
Sharpsville River Level: 5.95 feet
Transfer River Level: 4.11 feet
8am Air Temp: 34 degrees
8am Water Temp: 38 degrees
Weather: Rain
For current lake details and other important information, please call our daily recorded message at (724) 962-4384.

2018/02/27 08:37:00
Not able to retrieve the regular daily report from Shenango River Lake, except the Engineers posted a disclaimer on Facebook:
Pittsburgh District, US Army Corps of Engineers
February 23 at 1:00pm · Pittsburgh, PA · 

RUMOR CONTROL: We are NOT opening up our reservoir gates and sending flood water down the Ohio River. We ARE actively capturing runoff and storing water at our ...

So I went to the following sight where I could find a little info on the lake activity i,e: Depth, Temp, etc, only to find once again nothing on the lake.  As of yet.

Perhaps they are flushing the tailwaters in anticipation of stocking 'every anglers' dream fish, the elusive Pennsylvania Trout!!!
2018/02/28 09:28:46
This 'plains wassup with Shenenago Lake reports, dadburn phones ain't workin..... huh!!!!   Suggest using Facebook to stay up with current information which is alright, as long as ya don't mind stupid popups covering what yinz trying to read, if ya ain't a Facebook enrollee!!!  Which I ain't but being the type of guy I am I shall endure, those obstacles or hardships, and bring yinz the latest available updates.  When I feel like it.
NOTICE: Our daily recorded message's phone line is currently down. We are working on resolving this issue. Please use the Shenango River Lake Facebook page as your resource for daily lake information.[See I told yinz they was promot...... er, recommending Facebook.]
Pool Elevation: 896.04 which is 1.37 feet above normal summer pool
Sluice gates 1 - 7 are open to 4 feet each
Sharpsville River Level: 6.98 feet
Transfer River Level: 3.79 feet
8am Air Temp: 29 degrees
8am Water Temp: 40 degrees
Impotent news for campers too............
ATTENTION CAMPERS - Beginning June 15 campers will be required to present a photo ID and their AtB (America the Beautiful) senior or access pass to register for a discounted campsite. This procedure is being implemented to comply with standard operating procedures for AtB pass use, and will apply to reservations as well as walk-in transactions.
Reservations can be made at www.recreation.gov six months prior to arrival. The campground opens for the season May 18.
2018/03/01 14:06:53
Check it out Shenango fans......  go to the Facebook page and get a working video of the sluice gates in action.
OK so maybe not so exciting for us-ins whose BTDT in real time but still pretty cool, for those suffering stage four "CabinFever" or brain damage brought on from, falling on yinz asz while, ice fishing.
Now BREAKING NEWS.........
Ummmm,   uhhhh,   errrrrr..........  guess yinz gotta go there and deal with the stupid pop-up(s) yinzself or call the phone number that ain't workin, to find out any info.     Looks like a guy needs to now have an account with Facebook to forward info to, friends or foe.  Therefore since, in my case and no matter how upsetting yinz may find it to be, that ain't never gonna happen!!!!
However to show all-ya-all just what kind of joe I really am and for last time sake, for those inquiring minds, please feel free to click the following link.
Your friend and mine,
Disclaimer;  not responsible for affects created by adverse weather conditions, forcing me to stay at my 'puter.
2018/03/01 16:14:01
2018/03/02 21:38:14
Just wondering if any yinz know that fishing section 3 of the Shenango River now requires the purchase of a trout stamp?  
Straight from the horses mouth.............

Mercer County
Shenango River
From the January PFBC Board of Commissioner’s meeting, the PFBC approved adding Section 3 of the Shenango River, Mercer County, to the Stocked Trout Open to Year-Round Fishing Program. This section was added to the adult trout stocking program in 2017 to mitigate lost angling opportunities on Section 4 of the river. The change allows anglers to fish for trout on a catch and release basis between March 1 and the opening day of trout season and to fish for warmwater species during the same period. A trout stamp will now be needed to fish in Section 3. The change will go into effect upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
2018/03/05 09:39:02
So Shenango Lake fans how long before the trout migrate into the lake, from the year round stocked area of the Shenango River at Hamburg RD bridge down stream toward Valley RD,  giving reason for the PFBC to charge you a Trout Stamp to fish for your favorite wipers, walleye, bass, musky, pike &, crappie???
Don't forget,  trout are no longer stocked "below" the dam..........
2018 Fish Consumption Advisory. News Release. Agencies Advise Not to Eat Fish from Shenango River: Shenango Lake Dam to mouth (Mercer & Lawrence Counties, PA). Do Not Eat advisory expanded to all fish species due to high levels of PCB's found in fish. ~ PFBC
.... you be the judge????
Heyyyy,  could this be the PFBC's answer to controlling the shad orrrrr, for not stocking walleye and other toothy critters in Shenango ???

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