2018/02/01 09:21:05
Only programs I've seen cut more and more every year are the stocking programs .
2018/02/01 10:33:44
Captain you should remain positive, Arway is doing a great job on his personal project the Susquehanna and, BASS appreciates his effort.  That's if the rumor isn't true and Arway continues in his present position, past March 2018

Oct 14, 2017

With fewer people fishing, reduction to hatcheries, stockings seems likely.........

"Maybe the issue isn't the issue.Last month, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commissioners gave their executive director, John Arway, the authority to trim up to $2 million from the agency budget. He has to make the cuts if state lawmakers don't raise the cost of fishing licenses or otherwise provide the agency additional revenue by July 1.Just what might fall to the axe isn't set in stone.But the plan floated so far includes shutting down the Oswayo trout hatchery — eliminating 240,000 adult trout — and scaling back production of several warmwater species, among other things.That possibility has generated a lot of talk".  ~ http://triblive.com/sports/outdoors/12828346-74/with-fewer-people-fishing-reduction-to-hatcheries-stockings-seems-likely 

Here is another section of the article I find quite interesting seeing how the PFBC denies trying to produce "fish specific lakes".  
Master's degree candidates in Penn State's college of agricultural sciences did a business analysis of the commission.  It found the agency does things backwards. 
“Typically, marketing and sales professionals discuss goals before production is scheduled, then manufacturing determines production amounts and executes the plans,” it reads.    The commission, by comparison, produces fish, decides where to put them, and only then, “on the back end,” tries to generate demand.  That should change, the report said. With revenues flattening and expenses rising, “lowering fish production appears to be a necessary step” to balance budgets, it reads.“You have to ask, how many fish do you really need and how many can you afford?” added Judd Michael, a professor of ecosystem science and management who oversaw development of the analysis.       
If production is cut, the business plan makes two recommendations.  The first is to concentrate stockings and then market those hot spots to “generate demand at select locations prior to stocking,” it reads.The second is to consider how fish are used these days.

2018/02/01 18:13:19
Bald Eagles all over Shenango Lake today ! Seen 3 right near the causeway (rt. 18 ) looked like another on the ice edge near the open water. Must be picking on some fish floating, lot of open water mostly the old river channel......beautiful majestic birds. 
2018/02/01 20:13:14
Bald Eagles all over Shenango Lake today ! Seen 3 right near the causeway (rt. 18 ) looked like another on the ice edge near the open water. Must be picking on some fish floating, lot of open water mostly the old river channel......beautiful majestic birds. 

A few years back a friend of mine got some awesome pics of eagles on Arthur at this time of year picking off the resident mallards and geese that didn't migrate and were packed into the last little bits of open water in the channel by the 528 bridge.
2018/02/01 21:32:41
Come to think of it I didn't see any ducks or geese around .....maybe  
2018/02/01 22:00:16
No response from ODNR regarding my email. Perhaps I did something wrong or emails need be sent during regular business hours. I shall try again tomorrow.
2018/02/02 04:25:17
I seen all those eagles such a neat site. Living on pymatuning and driving over shenango everyday I get to see them often and every time I absolutely love seeing them.
2018/02/02 07:16:38
We had an eagle visit for a few months this spring/summer. The flock of turkeys which started with a gobbler, two hens, and 11 poults ended up with the gobbler, a hen and two young ones; all of the young of the year groundhogs disappeared; and two does spent the year with no fawns.

Somehow, the rabbits, squirrels, and neighbor’s numerous, semi-feral, barn cats seemed unaffected.

It is really cool to see them up close ( 30 yards or less) sitting in the yard.
2018/02/02 08:35:34
We've got a family of hawks down here in bicentennial park, that have helped to keep the goose population down some over the last six months. Wish we could get a family of eagles to help keep their population down. I hate those nasty geese. Can't use the walking trail because of their dung all over the place.
2018/02/02 10:05:15
Captain I just emailed a second inquiry to ODNR to the address given on their web sight (wildinfo@dnr.state.oh.us), now I shall wait (again) to see what, if anything, happens.
I watched two Eagles walking the ice between the causeway and I-79 while fishing at Wilhelm a week ago.   Honestly, it kind of bothered me at first as I couldn't see anything but two very large birds appearing, to be staring at me.  I kept looking skyward expecting to see more circling overhead but finally, the two birds took flight, revealing they were Eagles.  Although, Eagles do feed on dead things!!!! 

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