2016/12/10 11:26:03
hot tuna
I don't disagree with mis handling at all jack but a fish that was played to release then hooked again moments later by the angler 30' downstream and if that fish is lucky enough , may get a few hrs before the next guy hooks it , is no better off , is that not also a form of mishandled ?
The C&R ZONE , at least the lower is just to small to handle that amount of pressure ( IMO).
The above sinero also happens in other parts of altmar as well.
I seen a picture of the same steelhead caught by 2 guys on the same day and then again by 1 of those guys in the same spot the following day. One could argue C&R is working by that , but how many times can that fish handle that ?

I think you missed the point.  It's create more opportunity for people to catch a fish through C&R.  If three guys catch the same fish inside 30 minutes, that's three happy anglers that will come back.
2016/12/10 13:01:30
Clint S
hot tuna
What about a tag/stamp system. Say 5 fish per season ? Or possibly a closed season C&R only for some period of time.
If the entire river were to be C&R only, I would probably never fish it again.

My Buddy still has a few of The Steel tags from The late 70's when they used that system for Salmon.
2016/12/10 13:08:53
hot tuna
3 happy guys and 1 dead tired fish
2016/12/10 13:39:27
Clint S
hot tuna
3 happy guys and 1 dead tired fish

Although I dont disagree HT better than 1Happy Guy and one roped fish maybe. But On The other side of that at least The Fish Will be consumed instead of wasted dead in The bank
2016/12/10 16:31:59
At least the DSR requires C&R for trout.  I did see a young guy in the DSR chasing after his rope with two "Cohos" on it.  We got the rope for him two hundred yards downstream and realized he had two steelhead on it.  The young man didn't know the difference.  That one really teed me off.  He didn't know his quarry and he didn't know the rules for that section of the fishery.  The whole idea is fishing tourism.  C&R is the way to go.  Erie needs to adopt this or at least cut the creel limit to 1 a day from 3 now.

The voice of reason.

2016/12/10 16:40:08
hot tuna
I don't disagree with mis handling at all jack but a fish that was played to release then hooked again moments later by the angler 30' downstream and if that fish is lucky enough , may get a few hrs before the next guy hooks it , is no better off , is that not also a form of mishandled ?
The C&R ZONE , at least the lower is just to small to handle that amount of pressure ( IMO).
The above sinero also happens in other parts of altmar as well.
I seen a picture of the same steelhead caught by 2 guys on the same day and then again by 1 of those guys in the same spot the following day. One could argue C&R is working by that , but how many times can that fish handle that ?

I think you missed the point.  It's create more opportunity for people to catch a fish through C&R.  If three guys catch the same fish inside 30 minutes, that's three happy anglers that will come back.

Why do you have to be like that.
Get everybody worked up to hate you and then you actively engage in discussion.
2016/12/10 16:54:59
Oh  and Malinda know her shizell!
2016/12/10 17:01:10
I wanted a tag system years ago.
Had it in Wash St when I was there visiting a couple times in the late 70s.
2016/12/11 09:32:59
Only problem with Chartist's argument is that fish that are recently caught, usually will not feed for a period of time. I did say usually.  In winter, with lowered metabolisms, it would be even more true. By logical extension, that means the second and third hook-ups were most likely achieved illegally. Or at least the way the law reads, now. If you altered the law to include methods that were passive snagging  (hard to enforce, as it is)  as legal, and the onus on it was removed it would be a different fishery. On the other hand, though I have a disagreement with Chartist on his view, I don't dismiss what he said overall, by any means. I think there's many that would like to see C&R vastly expanded and the mud shark  fishery  become less of a player in politics and economy.  The racks of white pool cues in Fat Nancy's would shrink, somewhat. I wouldn't shed any tears. It'll be interesting to see if the bio-mass changes to any great degree. It seems the forage base is transferred into the river via the salmon right now, providing for a very healthy invertebrate base that sustains the steelhead. I wonder what happens with more fish in the river in the winter, but perhaps less food and more angler pressure. More like Erie?
2016/12/11 10:48:34
hot tuna
Which is exactly why chart missed my point ... and why I used the word hook, not catch.
I am all for C&R on those fish but don't like a total mandate across the board. It would take me out of the picture if it were. These are stocked fish and it is documented that natural reproduction is not sustainable.
I refuse to walk into a certain shop up there because she mandated that the only way I could get a room was
1. I didn't kill any trout
2. I didn't have a snowmobile.

Yes the fishery can be better 10 fold in many ways . As it stands , I will take it in small doses

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