2016/01/02 10:30:18
OK......  question number two!    
Location of a transducer, transom mounting vs trolling motor mount?  I'm thinking of relocating the (existing) DX 200 head unit to the driver's console, leaving the transducer as is on the transom, just to use the DX as a general purpose (high speed) depth finder.
The new unit will be located in the bow of the boat with the transducer mounted to the trolling motor which can, remain in the water at slow speeds while under way with the main engine.
So once again I am asking for, any and all, suggestions from those of you that have tried the trolling motor mount.
Your input shall be appreciated.
2016/01/03 21:54:57
Stop being lazy and change out that back transducer. Running your big motor with your trolling motor in the water is not recommended. Some thing about burning up the brushes and even bending the shaft. If you want the new one on the front, put your mount up their and put the transducer on your trolling motor. Leave the old one on the console. The one in the front will be real time as what you see under you won't be 10 ft away by the time it registers as with the back one. I always put the best one up front as that's where I do almost all my fishing from there.
2016/01/03 22:59:09
Mounting everything upfront with the transducer on the trolling motor is the way I'm leaning.  I like the "real time" advantage yet, I don't want to sacrifice other options such as side scanning at speeds faster than the trolling motor will go.  The new unit has capability to build it's own maps and I would think faster speeds would make that chore a bit easier.  I thought about two transducers until I saw the price  and that shot that idea in a hurry.
Sounds like I'm gonna have to sacrifice one option for another, for the time being at least. 
Thanks for your input Chauncy I appreciate you taking the time.
2016/01/04 08:11:04
Walleye jigs
Have you considered seeing a doctor? A little couch time might,I know it did me!!!!
2016/01/04 10:10:18
I'm tellin ya Jigs it's rough on on an ole guy like me when it comes to lookin at electronics and trying to figure out what the hell all this new technology is about.  Was tough enough in the old days trying to decide whether to buy a fish finder using graph or LCD readout.  Now days, we got side views, down views, fishy pictures, GPS, maps, this MHz, that MHz, CHIRP and, where should I mount stuff!!!  
It's never ending, I tell ya just relentless, what ever happened to "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID"?  Maybe it's me, maybe I'm 'keeping it stupid, it's  simple'!!
Maybe I need a vacation, yeah that's it a vacation, where I can go relax and fish all day on a boat and let somebody else wonder if they; bought the best fish finding technology, should be using arches instead of fishy pictures or, mounted the device in the right dam place.
Right now I'm somewhere between 'lost and found' and to make matters worse, I have one of those "ear worms" repeating music in my head and the lyrics are something about "they're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha".
Sure is nice to have friends willing to help and make recommendations, I think I'm feeling better already, thanks for your input.
Your friend and mine,
2016/01/26 23:15:44
Well I dooded it, un-dooded it and re-dooded it.  Just when ya think ya got the situation under control something comes along and screws it.
After much conversation, mainly between myself and me, I chose to purchase a certain brand of sonar/GPS.  Now this sonar/GPS is a brand new never been seen unit and according to the advertisement is available beginning Jan. 15 2016.  Well heck, it was Dec.30 2015 and I wouldn't need the thing until 'spring has sprung' 2016 so, I placed an order.  Not being able to find but 30 sec promo's on YouTube, I emailed the retailer requesting any information they may have on the sonar/GPS.  I was eager to learn as much as I could before the actual arrival of the device plus give me something to kill time and help keep me from writing stupid stuff on the forums.  Unfortunately, the retailer had responded to  my request stating they had not had time to operate the, new never been seen before, sonar/GPS and could not answer any questions.
Sooooo, I fired off the same request to the manufacturer who in turn, reaffirmed the new model would not be shipped until Jan 15, 2016 and no information would be available at this time but, I was to watch a web sight where the manuals for the sonar/GPS would be available to download.  Which pretty much verified why the retailer had not had time to test the unit because it was obvious they didn't have a unit to test.  Had I been advised that was the situation, I probably wouldn't have canceled my order.  Not because they didn't have one of the new models but, I now had questions regarding the retailers return policy and credibility based on the answer to my initial request.
Jan 4th placed an order for the same 'brand new never been seen before' sonar/GPS unit with a second retailer who also advised shipping would not occur until Jan 15, 2016.  This retailer also had a sight where one could check the tracking of their purchase once shipping has been confirmed.  Wellllllllllll, Jan 15 arrives, a quick check with the tracking site and nothing, notta, not, nope or, ain't shipped.  Played this game until Jan 24 when I emailed the retailer and learned the new shipping dates would be the first of Feb, so they thought.
Seeing a red flag, I sent a email to the mfg asking that they confirm the shipping date and was told the new model I ordered would be shipped, hopefully, sometime the last two weeks of Feb.  They were sure I'd be happy with my new purchase and please contact them should I need further assistance.
I am now excitedly awaiting the arrival of my new 'been around, proof tested , highly rated, made by another mfg, sonar/GPS on Jan 28, 2016.
And yes, yinz will hear about it!
2016/02/14 11:51:51
Trout About
I used to be a die hard Garmin guy.  Absolutely LOVE the GPS in my old Garmin 178C, but their sonar imaging was really lacking.  I switched over to Lowrance HDS units but HATED their GPS.  So, now I have my old Garmin at the console with a HDS 7 next to it and a HDS 10 at the bow.  I think Garmin has finally caught up in the sonar game, so when it comes time it replace my units, I will be going back to Garmin.
2016/02/14 15:05:38
You may wish to investigate the Garmin Striker 7 Series if Garmin has shipped the things yet.  That's the unit I was babbling about in my previous rant.  However, Garmin has cut ties with several map makers so use of maps by any competitors will not be possible.  The Striker, while capable of recording tracks and waypoints does not come with any maps nor, does it accept SD Cards for additional storage.
I had the the Striker 7 with side and down view ordered from two different vendors and got cold feet when the shipping dates were continuously moved back by Garmin.
As far as I know, the Strikers still have not hit the market.
The Helix 7 SI now adorns the console of the Fish Hawk.
Update:  Shipment of the Striker 7SV as with other Garmin models has been delayed until the first of March.  
2016/02/15 08:35:03
All I'll say is good luck. Seems like it's taking a lot of time to get the bugs worked out of their new unit. Don't want to send them out and have everybody shipping them back like Marcum had to do with so many of their ice units a couple years ago. I hope your new unit is worth the wait. I'd like to get one of their 12" models eventually.
2016/02/15 10:13:35
  Kinda like the Hunninbird 1198c. Haven't had any problems & have pet names for objets under the sea.

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