2015/12/29 21:38:01
Did I say that, I mean I need help, ummmmm heh.. heh... hehhh?
No seriously, I'd like yinz opinion of Sonar/Gps units.  In this case it's Hummingbird vs Garmin?
Hummingbird has their "Helix" series and Garmin just hit the market with their "Stryker" series.
Some yinz spoke earlier about Side Imaging/View vs Down Imaging/View and I listened but, became hesitant when I saw the price of the Hummingbird Helix 7 SI units.
Well, Garmin has just hit the market with their Stryker 7SV which is a combination Sonar/GPS with Down View and Side View.
Myself, I've always been a Hummingbird guy so, I know little to nothing about Garmin and, with their new unit just hitting the market (most places have to back order) I'm finding little to read about the device.
What have you to say?  if yinz don't mind me asking.
2015/12/29 23:45:12
Have you looked at the lowrance hook 7? Just suggesting it to make ur decision harder and add more to the pot :)
In all honesty with the way today's electronics are made they are all comparable just alot of guys being stubborn and sticking to what brand they know.
2015/12/30 00:10:31
Gee thanks, as if I'm not already somewhere between 'dazed and confused' you gotta stir the pot.
I will check the "Hook", for sure, thank ye kindly.
I'm thinking, I don't need maps of a lake I already fish and not likely to be entering any Bass Masters competition so I won't be visiting lakes all over the country.  Maps are one thing I'll sacrifice going with the Garmin and it appears way point storage may not be as plentiful either but, the Garmin are suppose to interface with home computers to allow for way point management.  Darn things ain't out yet so nobody selling them can answer my questions.
I'm thinking the "Side View" will be worth losing maps and some way point storage.
2015/12/30 20:19:20
Been There, I'm currently running a Humminbird 581iHD with Down Imaging, and I'm really disappointed with Humminbirds QC. I owned it for a year before I got it installed in my boat as I was doin' a complete rebuild of the hull, and the very first trip out in Sept., the screen fogged up and cleared up only slightly on one side after 5 hours of fishin'. Humminbird tells me, "Sorry, out of warranty but we can fix it for $160". Bull! I removed the unit and kept it in the house, and then in the following spring I put it back in, and it wouldn't power up. The power cable went bad right in the head that locks into the mount, and that was $30 with the shipping for a new one, plus I had to remove a side panel in the boat and fish the new cable back though to the power connections, so I wasn't happy about that. Also, the transducer mount snapped off while fishing; that was another $30 with the shipping. The 581 has a lot of features that I don't use, and I really don't understand "Down Imaging", but even with the occasional fogging, I kinda like it. It works just as well at 30 MPH as it does when I'm trollin'. I'd had Eagle Electronics previously. Couple of months ago I was at Cabela's in Wheeling and they had a 'Bird unit that looks just like the 581, but a different model number,  and it had the full color screen, and it was on sale for the same price I paid for the plain 581. It was discounted like 45% as they were bringin' in new models. If I'd had the jing, I'd have bought it on the spot! My oldest son has the color version in his Lund, and it really shows the bottom much better than black, white, and gray. BTW, the GPS speed and the surface temp is really convenient.
2015/12/30 20:46:23
We have 2 of the 581s and we too are disappointed in the quality. Unless u have a windless day where u can sit and fine tune the di it doesn't show anything better than the regular view. I'm really tempted to get the hook 7 after reading up on it and seeing the demos.
2015/12/30 21:41:30
EMitch thank you very much for taking the time, except for the Lowrance Flasher Sonar I bought in the seventies I've always bought Hummingbirds.  Been a while since my last purchase which was 2003 so I've not, followed the technology be it bad or good with any of the brands.  
Friend of mine recently purchased the Hummingbird Helix 7DI and I must say it is very impressive, not overdone with features and, reasonably priced.  I was a single "click" away from buying one myself then, I saw the Garmin 7VS which offers "Side View" as well as "Down View" but less storage for way points and no maps.
Then, someone pops out with yet another new model on the market.
Outasync the Hook 7 is very impressive from what I've seen on the internet, and the price is right, gonna be tough for me to decide.
I didn't see the need for "Side Imaging/View" given the additional cost but the 7VS at $499.00 is a contender. 
2015/12/31 00:15:51
Old dog, so right you are and I've BTDT and value his as well as, the opinion of others.
2015/12/31 11:47:31
I know that you mentioned not needing mapping.  I find it to be one of my best tools for finding new spots.  At least an idea of where drop offs, creek channels, ect. are.  Then hone in with the depth finder.  
I use the Navionics app on my iPhone.  It's not the most ideal having to use an additional tool, but if you have a smart phone, most likely you have it on your boat regardless.  If you have a DC outlet, 1/2 the times is is on your dash being charged anyway...  At least mine was prior to me getting the app.  Only thing bad is when it is raining.  Phone holders are cheap, and if you really want to be cheap (and want something smaller), go to Office Depot and buy a 99 cent pen holder.  I think app is about $10.  
I was about to buy a new fish finder last year and the year prior, and likely the year prior to that.  7" was a bit out of my price range, although it is nice seeing that it is in my range now.  5" was just too small, especially for split screen.  I think even with 7", I'd still use my phone to navigate.  I'm not sure of which models have it, but the app that mirrors your screen looks awesome.  Keeping you from having to purchase another finder for your trolling motor, or others on your boat to see the fish finder.
Thanks a lot.  Now I have fish finders on my mind again!
2015/12/31 14:59:10
(LOL) Pork, I can relate to the fish finders on the mind.  Just when I get ready to purchase the one I thought I wanted, out pops the new models.  Making matters worse, each mfr. comes out with several of each.
Good suggestion regarding the Navi App, that would be much nicer tapping the phone screen and seeing one's location versus digging in a boat compartment and pulling out 18" x 24" maps of all the lakes.  Yes, ()  I continue to be old school and still have my "official PFBC" lake maps from the 70s but hey, they are laminated.  Still have one of Lake Arthur and, Justice Lake too!
I know this isn't the first time I posed this question and I do appreciate the opinions, advice and, personal suggestions I received the first time around.  Being a 'gear-grinding double-clutching son of an electrician' I've been out of sorts regarding the fishing electronics.  Heck, the DX200 I bought (still using) back in 2003 was state of the art at the time.  Ummmm, according to the salesperson. 
2015/12/31 21:57:46
Wellllllllll I dood it and now you will have to be vewy, vewy quite; I will be hunting fish........ heh hehhhhhh!
Thanks to everyone for sharing your views and insight.

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