2019/02/22 21:02:37
 It might be,tull66 was a real tool & was banned yrs. ago lol. I can take it down if you want, not a problem. Just trying to live'n the place up a little, hate to see the fourms disappear for lack of posting.
 Dan, baitrunner fished the other side ov the river at the stink hole a lot. 
2019/02/22 21:17:14
Post #21...... 
No problem with it staying crappiefisher .... was a 'blast from the past' to see it, 2011, lol. Thought that stuff was lost from the server switch, glad it wasn't. 
2019/02/23 08:44:32
I spoke to Jared Sayers from the Linesville hatchery a second time recently through text. The first time I spoke with him was about the musky stocking program. The most recent time I asked him about some of the concerns of walleye stocking the I seen on this thread.

This was his response.
“Any decreases in stocking of walleye are done with a lot of science to back up the decision and it is only done to shift that same amount of fish to another water where the stocking is likely to be more successful. We mark the fish and then evaluate how much they contribute to the fishery. If they dont work for a number of years, we shift those fish to another water. Sometimes the anglers just are not using a water for walleye angling. If the usage isnt there, we will stock the fish where it benefits more anglers.

The point is, these decisions are made with a lot of thought and data behind them and it is always with the intent of creating MORE opportunities for anglers.

We take 92 million Walleye eggs each year and that is pretty close to the same it has always been. The amount stocked might be less if you look at fry. But that is because the fingerlings work better. Back in the day when they were stocking 50 million fry, they could only raise a couple hundred thousand fingerlings, now we are stocking 2 million fingerlings a year and it takes a lot of fry to accomplish that. The fry dont work in most water based on the forage base and the predator prey relationships in those waters. Sometimes the fry stockings only work once out of every 4 years, and in some places that is good enough. We monitor walleye populations and stock accordingly”

Trying not to speak for Jared himself, but with the effort he has put into responses of my questions I believe he would do the same if anyone had questions of their own.
2019/02/23 11:49:53
No need to contact Jared to hear the same jargon we been hearing for years..... "science sez" (generated reports to fit the narrative)

How about we get back to "reality sez"? (actual fishing conditions, now history)

Jared sez "The point is, these decisions are made with a lot of thought and data behind them and it is always with the intent of creating MORE opportunities for anglers".

BTDT sez, that fits the "fish specific lakes" agenda that has all but destroyed fishing in PA.

Fishing of yesteryear vs fishing the past 20 years. You be the judge.... if you're old enough to know the difference.

Good times (just about gone)and Tight lines. (ain't been what it was)
2019/02/23 14:42:24
Thanks for the input , but......
My figures came right from the PFBC stocking reports over the past 9 years and I see nothing but less Walleye being stocked.
  I heard the same story about 7 years ago from them about the lower Shenango River being removed from Walleye stocking list in 2007.  They said the river doesn't get as much angling as they like and the fish would be better stocked elsewhere . I say BS ! I've seen as many as 50 Walleye caught in the river in one day and most being legal . I've never seen anywhere in Mercer county, or Venango county to boost that kind of numbers being caught. I don't believe a word they say about transferring or shifting fish of the same numbers to other waterways to make them more successful . Lets see some stringers of Walleye in these so called better angling waters . Only Pymy remains the best Walleye producer in a 75 mile radius and the reason being it receives over 6 million stocked Walleyes annually from Pa. and Ohio !
The PFBC have cut back on all the other lakes and it's easy to see if you fish any other lakes.....the Walleye catches are way down from past years....just true facts.      
2019/02/23 15:43:44
Well I guess my efforts were for not. I get it. I should not have expect to much other than the same old.

I 100% believe they have the best interest of the anglers in mind, I also believe you can’t make everyone happy and sometimes tough decisions need to be made.

If nothing else take this away, the people at the Fish Commission are approachable, will listen, field questions, and carry a conversation. You will probably get further with your concerns by talking to them than on a forum.

Which ever approach anyone chooses is fine by me, we are all in the same boat.
2019/02/23 17:08:18
Az regarding the care and maintenance of our fisheries. I BTDT and I must agree, the PFBC does like to listen.

As for the results, I'm willing to bet, the only difference from what you heard and that of which I heard, is the date on the memo..... err text message.

As for pleasing everyone, there's certainly proof the PFBC has pleased someone and I'm thinking those someone's rarely, if ever, fished Penns Woods.

I may be old school in my thinking but the info I received in yesteryear as compared to that of today can be summed up, in four simple words. "Same chyt, different day".

The direction the PFBC is taking didn't just start a few years ago. If I may quote a hero of mine who once said; most of yinz wasnt piszing in diapers yet".

Please do keep up your effort(s) in working with the PFBC. I'm sure they appreciate your cooperation.
2019/02/24 00:48:03
I have wrote the PFBC and the PGC on issues I feel that actually fail the best interest of outdoor sportsmen and the ones that work. I don't just criticize I compliment when I see improvement. Their answers are basic replies ......thanks for your input .
The Inland Walleye program other than Pymy to me is a failure . Like I said it ( reg.stocking ) was working well in our lower Shenango and upper Shenango river for many years past . Since the 2007 complete stopping of stocking within 5 years the difference was felt fast. Now with PCB's the river is about dead as far as a future for Walleye and Trout.  The PCB's removed Shenango from all PFBC future stockings, but it basically affected only Trout since the Walleye was stopped in 2007 for nonsense excuses made up by the PBFC. 
As far as the 100% best interest of fishermen ....how in the sam hill is that snagging fest up on the spillway every spring on spawning fish in the best interest of any fishermen ?
The PFBC totally "allows" it to continue year after year. I guess when you pump in 4 million walleye fry and fingerlings every year in Pymy. you don't worry about a few hundred snagged adult fish. 
100% best interest .....How about the year 2015, Shenango Lake only received only 1,800 Walleye !!! They shorted Shenango Lake 70,000 fish ! ( nice working program )
Did they make it up the following years ? .....not one bit !
I still show 67 million less Walleye stocked over the past 9 years just in those areas I posted, so how that's the same as years past is beyond me....something is fishy !
2019/02/24 01:40:01
 They caught 18 Eyes, why are you having trouble catching any capt.? lol....
Couldn't pass it up   
2019/02/24 01:44:29
 Compared to 3,801 Eyes, 2nd best yr. on record. 

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