2019/02/17 19:16:46
I have bought 3 CU buttons almost every year I fished Erie at 3 bucks a pin it's well worth the cause ....I'd support extra cash for stocking in our local lakes ...but I'd like to see some results even if it's not me catching....lol
Speaking of predator fish chowing down on bait fish , I saved this Bass from certain death ....he was flipping on the surface near my boat a few years ago......the Crappie wasn't  as lucky


2019/02/17 20:37:35
I would imagine that you are one of the few that keeps paying. I likely wouldn’t if I had the lifetime. By no means a shot at anyone that has taken advantage of it. But when you have one of your largest clientele, not paying, it doesn’t help in raising the funds that you are strapped for. Especially when at an all time low on gaining new clientele. They should probably think of grandfathering who already has one and raising the age to 75 or so. Or just stock less and less as they are.
2019/02/17 21:36:41
Voluntary programs for each species is in the workings. Pending the success of one, others will follow.

Anz, any chance you chastise emitch because your fish of choice is the Musky and your business depends on anglers fishing for musky?

Speaking of musky, (I believe) 3 years ago I watched a musky club assisting with stocking thousands of musky in Pymie alone. Biologist I spoke with told me the musky being stocked averaged 10". I can see why, the need for donations.

Capt. I didn't read the entire biologist report I posted under a recent thread on stocking. The material I referenced was found as I researched a report the PFBC wrote regarding a "study" they conducted, stocking fry vs fingerling.

The report of course, defended fry over fingerling because mortality study, proved fingerings, didn't survive to any greater number.

Regardless, fry vs fjngerling, by their own admission the PFBC has stopped stocking Walleye in many Penn's Woods waterways.

Something smells fishy.
2019/02/17 22:22:37
Pork here's some food for thought on the Seniors Life Time. Maybe the program no longer works as intended and maybe some changes are needed.

But many of us old guys probably wouldn't be fishing at our stage in life if not for "already" having a license. Maybe the original intention for a lifetime, I Don't know.

While not buying a license we oldsters do spend some pretty big bucks each year. Money spent because I got a license so why not got fishing aaaaand take someone with me. Heck, last ice season, I got three other people interested and one of those guys now have his dad and brother ice fishing. No applause needed.... just throw money.

PS. I haven't spent much time around the water so I have no idea of what's happening fishing wise. I have made connections with a few regulars in the RV park that fish and made plans for wetting a line (or two) next year.

Meanwhile "Fat Tues". be here soon.... got to partey. 🎺🎹
2019/02/17 22:33:11
 The PF&BC makes a mint on boat regs. & double dip on the 2 yr. reg. when resold a lot. Many boat owners might not even fish. They get gas tax % $$ from boaters, sales tax % on fishing/boating related items sold, all these permits from canoes/rafts/non powered boats, trout/Erie/throw nets & so forth but yinz say they haven't had a increase in a long time. Oh well be blind.
I could care less if they ever stock another fish in the commonwealth, cut payroll maybe a $5 lice. charge at max & use the tax money & boat regs. $$ they receive plus fine money & be done with this game they play.
 Really could care less what they do one way or another.
2019/02/17 23:36:35

Anz, any chance you chastise emitch because your fish of choice is the Musky and your business depends on anglers fishing for musky?

Pointing out hypocrisy is different than chastising. Don’t go along with the we need more stocking/bigger stocked fish then say that some one was “suckered in” for donationing money to help stocking. Am I missing something here?
2019/02/18 09:08:29
Not a problem to voice ones opinion, I'm sure we agree. Most likely the choice of words that triggers most reactions as I see it. (paint me guilty)

For instance, had Mitch's comment being about Carp rather than Musky.

Or perhaps emitch should have said "duped" into donating.

Anyways, the point I see is "why" the need for anglers to donate 'money' for stocking/habitat/etc programs?

Myself, I would rather donate money for the purpose of an Independant "audit" of the PFBC.

Probably just me, being me but something smells fishy.... and it's getting stronger.

Good times and tight lines?
2019/02/18 09:38:18
BTDT I will agree a lot of things if worded differently would get different reactions.
However in this case, on this thread, towing the line of needing more stocking/bigger fish stocked, the very next breath saying a person was "suckered in" to contributing to a fund to help stocking/bigger fish stocked. 
I do not think its a leap to say he was on the side of pro stocking, but when someone close to him contributes to pro stocking fund the words "suckered in" shows a level of disapproval almost regret. 
I do not care if thats for trout, bluegill, carp... name your fish. 
I see scenarios like this often, people want somthing changed, then have negativity to the avenues to bring change. I do not think its wrong to point it out, we are all in the same boat and if someone has this brought to their attention it could change their outlook. That will make the cause stronger, I would not say thats a bad thing.
I do not know emitch, probably will never meet him. However I will go out on a limb to say i bet he is a good guy, just like everyone one else on this site. I was just pointing out the inconsistency  
2019/02/18 09:40:00
$40 for 2 year boat registration, isn't all that much.  The key to not making it a huge expense, is not owning 20 boats!!!  Or just don't register the ones that you don't use, is my way around it...  Putting in one new launch is measured in the $Ms.  Upkeep on others has to eat up a lot of those funds too.  I would hope the cast net permits and other fishing related funds, stay with fishing related expenses, but can't see all that much of boating registration going to fishing.  I would have to think that both pots are being pulled from, when it comes to the ever ending repair/replacement of the dams.  That is one thing about man made entertainment reservoirs, they only have a rather limited lifespan, then need extremely expensive repairs.
I applaud everyone that goes above and beyond.  A few guys that voluntarily purchase licenses and a few guys that take others that don't currently have licenses, doesn't solve what Captain is noting though.  I have bought the Erie/trout combo since I have been 16 or it has been available.  There are years that I don't do either, and pretty much know that I won't.  I definitely know that I won't "get my money's worth".  It helps a little, but know we need a lot more people to start buying licenses. 
I would love for more stocked fish, but realize that this is likely a trend that will keep happening, as less and less funds are available to be brought in.  There are just more and more options for entertainment for every age.  When I was a kid, there was 1/4 of the entertainment options there are now.  But still only got a fraction of the fishermen that the generation before us had.  When many of you were kids, there was 1/4 of those entertainment options.  When the major source of entertainment was listening to Howdy Doody, stick ball in a vacant lot or listening to a game on the radio, going fishing was entertaining to a lot more.  A bit less entertaining to most, when you could have a triangle shape on your TV, "shoot" small dots at a round blob or watch just about any local sports team on TV or rent videos at the hundreds of mom and pops video stores that were around, if you didn't have a Blockbuster or others.  When you have video games that look almost realistic, kids can act out what most of us could only do in fantasies or watch just about anything on their handheld devices/5-6 large flat screen TVs in their house or play sports that are 24/7 or go to water/trampoline/climbing/other "fun zone" places that are everywhere.  Getting any kids interested in fishing, is kind of rare.  With technology, who knows if any kids in the next generation will be fishing?  It isn't just kids too.  It is only time that our reservoirs will be filled with sports drink and can have a corporate sponsor.  But it has electrolytes...
There is going to be a point in time, where they just stop stocking game fish that won't reproduce naturally.  Money spent will be to maximize the native fish reproduction, maybe stock some native species to help the wild stocks or supplement bait fish, if/when there are low reproduction cycles.  With how crazy the climate has been and projected to be, I would imagine this will happen much more than it has.  That seems to be the direction they are going with walleye and the adding of habitat to reservoirs.  I am fine catching whatever is there.  Don't get me wrong, if walleye are there, I am going to try to put one in my frying pan.  It they are no longer around, which they aren't ever really around my cooler anyway, I am just fine going after whatever is going to cooperate. 
PFBC is going to ride out the trout circus for as long as it is keeping them afloat though.  Other fish, I would be shocked if stocking numbers ever go up on a consistent basis.  Unless fishing somehow goes "viral", and there is some sort of instant influx of cash to it.
2019/02/18 10:04:10
Anz, I understand perfectly and couldn't agree more regarding there being good people on this sight.

No doubt in the right time for the right reason we would all come together for the good of a common cause.

...... unless that cause, smells fishy. lol

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