2019/02/16 23:18:15
I might have posted this before in 2016 , just a review into Walleye stockings....in case your wondering how's the future of Walleye fishing in Western Pa. and maybe why your not catching as many now days.
   In the year 2008 the Fish Commission started their new Inland Walleye Stocking program. Like I said before this was basically a major cut back on stocking Walleye in our waterways throughout the State . Some numbers are very drastic cuts and I think will have strong rippling effects into the future of Walleye fishing as we knew it. I hope I'm wrong , but you look at these huge cuts and tell me how Mother Nature will replenish the supply. Some of these cutbacks should have been felt the past few years, so if your not seeing the amount of Walleye being caught this is probably why.
Allegheny River / Armstrong County /  2007 last stocking  / 3 million cut each year since  / 27 million less over 9 years
Allegheny River / Tionesta area  /  2007 last stocking / 196,000 cut each year since /  1.7 million less over 9 years
Allegheny River / Oil Creek, French Creek , areas  2007 last stocking  / 3.4 million cut each year since / 30.6 million less over 9 years
Allegheny River / Clarion County  / 2007 last stocking / 750,000 cut each year since / 6.75 million less over 9 yrs.
Clarion River / Clarion County / 2012  last stocking / 211,000 cut each year since / 844,00 less over 4 yrs.
Edinboro Lake / Erie County / 2014 last stocking / 5,000 less from 2014  / no stocking 2015 / 14,000 less over 2 yrs.
Conneaut Lake / Crawford County / 2014 last stocking / 20,000 less from 2013 / no stocking 2015 / 40,000 less over 2 yrs.
Shenango Lake / Mercer County / 2014 stocked 72,000 / 2015 stocked 1,800 / 71,200 less in one year
Shenango River / Mercer County / 2007 last stocked 4,800 / 43,200 less over 9 yrs.
Lake Arthur / Butler County / 2014 stocked 96,700 / down 48,000 / shows no stocking for 2015 / 144,700 less over 2 yrs.
Lake Wilhelm / Mercer County / 2015 stocked / same no change  / 68,000
Pymatuning Reservoir / Crawford County / 2015 stocked / same no change / 4,293,000
Some areas did receive increases like Allegheny Reservoir , Allegheny outflow area / upper Allegheny River, and French Creek .
Just some basic rough math I show about 67.2 million" less " fry / fingerling Walleye stocked in the above listed lakes / rivers over the 9 years of missed or lowered stockings ! Even at a 10% survival rate we have lost out on about 6 - 7 million Walleye being caught in the future . Can Mother Nature keep that pace with natural spawning ?
2019/02/17 00:20:03
Capt. I recall discussing the subject and seeing your info.

No doubt the walleye stocking has been reduced substantially. Even stopped in some area lakes as we both know.

Two years ago came rumor of cut backs in the trout stocking programs.

Last year came rumor John Arway would be replaced because he threatened rallying the troupes against lawmakers, by reducing the numbers of fish t be stocked.

I hope Mr. Arway enjoys his sudden retirement.

So I gotta think, was the reduction in stocking numbers a practice useful to other PFBC echelon, hoping to force their agenda?

Don't know if you remember my comments regarding John Arway and how he was railroaded into the position he recently exited, on the rails.
2019/02/17 11:04:12
I do remember the comments you posted back then. ....hope he is long gone also.
I just laugh when they say the program isn't working in some lakes....so they are cutting back more ....well if you stock way less fish how does it increase that lake's numbers in the future ? To me it needs more stocking numbers or better quality size stocking.
I'd like to see them cut way back on Pymy stocking about 5 years in a row and prove their program still works ! It wouldn't stand up just like the other lakes they have cut back on .
Their Inland stocking program is once again based on numbers they control ....and the facts are they have reduced Walleye stocking numbers by roughly 88 million less fish stocked over the past 11 years just in our areas ! 
2019/02/17 12:50:21
Makes me feel better about not being able to catch that many... I’ll still try and waste a bunch of time and money in the process though! I’m sure there is mismanagement of funds, but likely comes down to available funds. We are due for a license increase unfortunately. Inflation and cost to raise these fish has gone up drastically. That said, if raising license price, then increase stocking! But there seems to be less and less fishermen around. That senior lifetime license is the downfall of the PFBC. Not that seniors don’t deserve it for how much they put into years of supporting the PFBC, but not nearly as many younger generations throwing into the pot now. Seniors make up a huge portion of fishermen, especially hours per spent fishing.
2019/02/17 13:13:19
Ugly Stik
This data explains a lot of frustrated days on the water. Thank you for the info.
2019/02/17 13:26:40
Capt. What the brains of the PFBC won't accept is, it's we old timers paying for the young anglers, the PFBC hopes to catch, and will need for the future.

Therefore, we oldsters stop going, we stop taking which intern puts future anglers in front of TV's and computers playing games. It's a dominoes effect, if you will.

GoodGrief you would think the PFBC would learn from the PGC.

Eh.... maybe not, anymore these guys are all from the same school.
2019/02/17 15:35:40
Well if you want future people into the outdoor sports programs you have to make it interesting. Stocking less fish isn't the answer whether it's trout , walleye and so on. 20-30 years ago there were fishermen but way more fish being stocked all around, now it's heading the opposite way. If license increase would help most fishermen wouldn't mind, but they have to see more results. Even the Pa. Trout program is no where what it was 20 years ago on stockings. 
Flashback ......remember when almost all bait shops sponsored a fishing contest every season......how about the old Crappiethon days ! Now all the sponsors back the pro circuit and TV shows instead of local contest .    
2019/02/17 17:50:20
It is pretty disappointing to spend an entire day on the Allegheny river and have next to nothing for your effort. I fish the lower Allegheny from Lock 4 at Natrona, which is Allegheny County on the west side, Westmoreland County on the east side, and Armstrong County from Rte. 356 north on the west side, and north. So me and my boys cover 5 pools from Lock 4 to Lock 9, and though you can catch catfish most anywhere, it's gettin' tough to find (legal walleyes). Yeah, you can catch 25 or more sub-legal 'eyes, but legal and up can be tough. My small mouth catch rate has gone way down, and I've only caught 1 sauger in the past 4 years where I used to catch dozens. And I can agree with Captain about the size of stocked fish. True, it does cost a lot more to raise size well above fry and past fingerling size, but in my thinking the survival rate would go up proportionately. Fry and fingerlings are nothing more than some quick meals for the various predators, and then they're gone. You think about it. Even a crappie or an 8 inch walleye have no problems eatin' a fingerling. And I've caught 7" small mouths on a #13 Rap with no problem.
BTW, my youngest got suckered in on the "voluntary Musky stamp". Lord knows it'll just be a matter of time before ya need a crappie or a walleye stamp. Can't wait!
2019/02/17 18:06:51
BTW, my youngest got suckered in on the "voluntary Musky stamp". 

Help me out, your complaining about lack of stocking and acknowledging bigger fish cost more to grow, but then say your youngest got suckered into the voluntary musky stamp, which goes right to the musky stocking program.

From just what I read it seems your youngest has done more to help the “issue” than you, and you say he got suckered?
2019/02/17 18:29:07
That senior lifetime license is the downfall of the PFBC. Not that seniors don’t deserve it for how much they put into years of supporting the PFBC, but not nearly as many younger generations throwing into the pot now. Seniors make up a huge portion of fishermen, especially hours per spent fishing.

Not a down fall by me.  I have a senior license and still spent $22.27.  Plus I buy the pa angler magazine.  Bought a button, trout stamp, and a digest.  I agree younger generation not buying licenses including my grand kids.
The PFBC should have created a voluntary walleye permit to help with stocking.

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