2017/01/10 20:27:38
hot tuna
I know nothing about the material other then ice jigs made from Tungsten. It's heavier ? .
My question is any experience for shot in open water . Good , bad , putty ?
Does the putty stay or slip ? I'm assuming it might slip until it hits a jam point.
I looked up.some products and got confused due to inexperience . Is there a manufacturer preferred or just scrap the material for something better ?
The last time I bout lead split shot was the year it was banned in NYS, between ice & open waters fishing, I'm looking for an alternative
2017/01/10 22:24:57
Tuna I don't know if the following link will help you with the Tunsten putty or not. But I know Tungsten is much harder then lead, is heavier than lead and, according to some, quite pricey.

A 3/ 8 oz Tungsten sinker is smaller in size than a 3/8 oz lead sinker etc.

2017/01/11 07:02:09
Clint S
I looked , but gave up when I found that lead was easily obtained through my SIL (pa border) and MIL (frequent trips up from NC). Find the right seller and it is also easily obtained through amazon or other online sellers. I even find it at garage sales and fleamarkets. I just buy it up, because in the near future it will be gone.
2017/01/11 07:25:59
When fishing the One Fly, we always used tungsten putty for weight because it didn't pinch the leader like shot and it could be shaped in such a way that it didn't hang up as often as round or egg shaped shot. But the whole idea there was fly and leader preservation due to the rules. Whether it works better or worse for any other purpose is up for debate.
2017/01/11 08:14:55
O Shi* your saying lead ain't legal in N.Y.?
2017/01/11 08:16:56
Also anyone interested I got that good good if ya need some lead got lots of it
Scrap life
2017/01/11 14:04:52
I use it conservatively. It's pricey, slips if you cast aggressively, and eventually falls off.  I use it for avoiding hang ups, as you can roll it into a thin football shape,  and when I think I need the stealth presentation for big fish. Flies with tungsten bead heads  get down quick. I use the TBH patterns more than the putty.  I've used the putty for 20 years , just never saw the need for consistent use.  By the way, it's about 30% heavier than lead, so rolled thin to present little  surface to the current, it sinks quick. If I were wanting to get down in the deep seam at the head of schoolhouse  say, it would be a good choice.  
2017/01/11 18:26:42
hot tuna
Thanks folks . I watched the video and it seems semi timely to attach and possibly adjust weight. I wonder how it works in cold weather ?
I was typing the question in view of my diminished lead shot I bought in 2004 before the ban. I got a pound of bb, 3/0, 7 and 5 shot. Of course the 7 & 5 were fewer in quantity and through use that was my low stock.
Now as fate would have things, I had my remaining 7&5 in my small ice hook kit. Don't you know, I can't find that box and believe I left it on the ice.
Now for traps I have no problems using the bulky alternative shots but was looking more towards a Tungsten for open water as it should be easily available, , without crossing state lines ,,, not tthat's not possible.

Charlie, I like your description and details. I do believe I will be trying it in a situation say, the barrel, soon .
Thanks for the tips and will give feedback
2017/01/11 22:15:56
Keep it in an inside pocket. Its kind of like taffy. When it's cold it's like a rock and you have to roll it in your fingers to get it pliable. It'll go on soft then harden when you drop it in the water. All Sports carries the Loon version for 9 bucks .
2017/01/12 00:18:37
Out of curiosity, does anyone use lead wire, as in lead core, to add subtle amounts of weight for any given reason?

Also, is lead (core)wire legal to use for fishing in NY?

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