Welll-- know getting in early is great for fish but gotta admit- when living part time up there slept in and fished when I got there and wherever was left open.
If an azzhat showed up - left quick for an open place- -the quality of which meant little- just happy to be there and avoided idiots for my own pleasures.
Had all the time in the world to be on the river and numbers never mean squat anymore.
Noticed right away on my last trip- first without my place there in years- that the whole thing changed- was up early and on the river quick.
Clint - understand what happened to ya and frankly woulda moved off somepalce- idiots just aint worth the effort of being upset.
Whoever they are they aint important enough to ruin my day- and am too darned old to ruin theirs anymore.
( now and then some idiot really tempts me though)