It seems to me that the lion's share of the braggadocio, and a lot of the litter (can't see it from my backyard!) originates with out of staters, who would never get away with this behavior in their home states. But I would like to see a much bigger hammer for residents, too.
"A few local folks" would be everyone that I know that lives around there and has any kind of life outside of the fishery. They are vehemently opposed to the trashing their community takes for the fiscal benefit of the ones who do subsist off the fishery. It is interesting to see the reaction of the Charter Industry as expressed on the Great Lakes United board, as well, they are pretty well fed up at this point, as we've got a parallel shyt show on the Genesee right now.
At one time it was a phenomenal Atlantic Salmon fishery, and before the kings it was a good trout river. If the alewife goes, we may see it be both again.