2015/11/17 17:29:38
^^^^^ What Walcat said, WHAT WALCAT SAID ^^^^^ Keep the big motor and invest in a kicker motor.
Just some advice from another spry 43 and half yr. old whos rebuilt 3 boats already.
2015/11/17 18:20:00
BloodyHandKeep the big motor and invest in a kicker motor.

Yeah, we're past that... thoroughly talked out of it.
2015/11/17 18:26:20
Floor session one was not too bad I guess.  Seems that they foam they used was the good stuff that doesn't soak up water.  However, they installed it by drilling holes through the deck and pouring it in (which is pretty much the only way that's done I suppose) and the foam adhered to the bottom of the floor boards.  Completely.  Like "have to scrape it off" completely.  SIGH.  Progress tonight:
- removed the livewell/driver seat (in one piece, will certainly be able to salvage/sell it later)
- removed the passenger console board, so I can consider how I want to rebuild it
- removed the overlay BS carpet that was hiding the previous owner's shenanigans (which he fully disclosed before selling)
- removed driver side strip of carpet from the console back (what a nasty mess that was)
- removed first two panels of the driver side flooring and mostly leveled the foam underneath
Will add pics after I go clean up and get some dinner.  And... back.  Floor pics follow:

Not too thrilled about the amount of water still in here, but at least it is not in the foam (so far).  Dehumidifier is working on it.  

Livewell feed and drain pipes will be going.  I'm going to either use the livewell pump to feed a hose that I can use to fill my baitwell as needed (it has a nifty vertical drain built in, will detail that later in the build) or I'll replace it with a dual purpose raw water washdown pump/hose kit.  Haven't quite decided on that one yet.  The RWW would be really nice for cleaning off cutting boards, fish slime, etc.  But it would be much more likely to be in the way.  Have to see if there's a good spot for it when I'm laying out the back.  
2015/11/17 19:49:08
Whoa, easy Walcat. I dont think ZS is dishin on any of our advice. He seems pretty absorbent actually.
My recommendation: When installing your new floor boards, completely encapsulate your wood in fiberglass and resin. Both sides. Screw it down, than glass the covered wood to the hull and sides of the boat.
2015/11/17 19:57:34
Zelie, if you are ripping all that foam and floor out now is the time to check for any leaky rivets. Fill her up with water and wait an hour and see which ones start to drip. just watch how
Much water you put in, might be more weigh than trailer can hold.
Btw nice boat. I fished the same
Model for a long time, handles erie great and does good on the small
Lakes too.
2015/11/17 19:58:49
Some added pics.  Here's the side console with the face board removed.  I'm kindof thinking it might be nice to replace that face/glovebox deal with a nice tackle drawer instead.  That opening is 22.5" wide and 9" on the left / 10" on the right tall.  So maybe an 18'x6'x18" drawer?  That could be pretty sweet.  Build in a couple dividers for wallets/keys/phones and also tackle you don't want to carry (sinkers, swivels, etc).  It would cost a few bucks for sure, especially if I have it custom built.  This is a distant job, so I have some time to kick it around and hear suggestions.  

There's also a nice shelf under the console that might be a good spot for live vests.  So they are actually get-to-able but out of the way.  Maybe put a net type deal in there.  How many of us keep vests in our seats or under the deck?  Too many probably, I'm certainly guilty.  It would also make a pretty sweet spot to store tackle boxes though.  Probably fit 8-10 plano boxes on their sides.  

Last pic of that console shows a potential problem.  See those screws ^ on the braces?  Those are down into the floor.  Which is a problem if I have to replace that part of the floor.  At that point I'd probably have to remove the hole console, which I am hoping to avoid.  Not only because it is a bunch of work, but because it is riveted to the side of the boat.  And likely also to the front boxes.  Bad times.  Pic below shows possible sagging of the floor between the front seat boxes.  

Won't know for sure until I get the carpet up.  Minimally I will remove that carpet and replace it with whatever floor I go with.  Hopefully that floor is good enough.  Fingers crossed.  I don't plan to do a whole lot up there outside of the rail padding replacement and fitting a removable seat base.  
2015/11/17 20:08:49
BloodyHandMy recommendation: When installing your new floor boards, completely encapsulate your wood in fiberglass and resin. Both sides. Screw it down, than glass the covered wood to the hull and sides of the boat.

Hmmmm.  Not sure my skills are up to glassing, though I've watched quite a few videos of it being done.  Assuming you are shooting for 100% waterproofedness/last literally forever with that method?  Kind of a full commitment though, because if you pop a rivet under that glass floor you're never getting it back up.  I'll ponder that.  This will come back up when I'm drawing up the replacement floor plans.
freshwaterdrumRZelie, if you are ripping all that foam and floor out now is the time to check for any leaky rivets. Fill her up with water and wait an hour and see which ones start to drip. just watch how much water you put in, might be more weigh than trailer can hold.

Still hoping to not do that.  But if I do have to gut it I'll do that.  I'm reasonably confident that it doesn't leak, based on it taking several Erie trips with nary a drop inside the boat.  That said, everything I've ever read or heard says rivets leak or WILL leak like you say.  Hold that thought.  

freshwaterdrumRBtw nice boat. I fished the same Model for a long time, handles erie great and does good on the small Lakes too.

Thanks!  For all that it is rough and needs a bunch of work, I'm very happy with this model boat.  It should be an impressive machine by the spring if everything goes well.  
2015/11/17 20:18:03
Some misc pics.  The seats out of the boat, one showing that livewell design, and my SONOS/receiver/scrub laptop setup for jamming Pandora.

Bottom ^ of the pile is the back to back seat/lounge deal.  Could probably be refurbed, though I'm not at all a fan of the design.  Probably take that to the dirtball mall and try to get $20 for it in the spring.  

Livewell and seat ^ are actually in perfect working order.  The base of the driver's seat could be replaced as needed, but as is it hold my mooselike frame just fine.  If this thing wouldn't have been completely in the way of the layout I'm shooting for I might have kept it in the boat.  And now that I think about it... been considering getting a smaller 1 man boat for when I don't have a buddy and I just want to fish on Arthur.  This would be perfect for a small jobber like that.  Going to stick it in storage for possible future re-use.  :)

Oh, see that bubbler pump ^ beside the receiver?  Those are garbage, don't buy them.  You want the Frabil whisper ones.  Better in every way.  
2015/11/19 21:29:44
Drug myself into the boat today just for a quickie.  Unhooked and pulled the battery.  Which was wired by a drunken money.  Can't wait for a proper wired effort.  Current plans are for a rear battery hooked to the motor and a clean run up to a new bus bar under the driver console.  Then a front battery (not sure where I'm stashing this yet) to its own bus bar.  Rear battery will run the engine, ignition, bilge and raw washdown pump.  The front battery will run boat lights, aux plugs for submerged lights, aux plug for livewell, VHF, fish finder, and possible radio.  
This picture below shows where the battery was.  I need to rig this up properly to house the battery.  At least with a holddown or box, but probably some soft of shelf so the battery is easier to pull out of there when needed.  I pulled all 3 muscles in my body getting that bastard out tonight.  

This pic ^ shows the other half of the bilge area.  The yellow pump you see was the livewell pump.  The plan is to replace that with a RWW pump.  Below that red wire just out of sight is the bilge pump.  Sadly, that's just a 500gph little guy.  Thinking that should be a 1200gph Tsunami at least.  That's only a $30 pump.  Not all that keen on the auto pumps... but I don't have any experience with them.  I'd love to hear some feedback on that bilge pump situation.  
2015/11/19 21:43:52
Couple pics of the tank.  I was unsure about pulling the tank, since it is full and worse it is under some riveted braces.  After a look though, the rear brace across the tank looks like it is smashed a bit.  That isn't good at all.  Since the inside feet of both rear anglers will be right on top of the spot.  That means I have to drill out the braces, drain that big beast into something, and get it out of there.  I'm not sure how to drain the tank outside of just some hose and siphoning.  Which isn't the safest move.  And then I need something to store 18 gal of mixed gas... can't go in the cars.  Anyway, once that's all covered I have to put it back and design some braces that don't suck.  Luckily I'm an expert metal... guy?  &*(#^@&*

Oh, in this pic ^ you can see the new fuel line we ran.  But it needs re-re-run because that hose was too short for the full run, and we had to clamp it a couple times. 

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