Spent an hour and change on the boat today. Ended up soaked to the bones from the fricking wet carpet. Getting in that thing is no picnic, but pales in comparison to getting back out. SIGH. What did I accomplish? Here's a quick list:
- removed passenger and rear combing (bs padding that is falling apart)
- removed bimini top and passenger bimini rail
- removed 6 of the 7 a-hole bolts holding down one of those top boards
- un-mounted the passenger seat box (still in the boat, but no longer screwed down)
bonus - removed a sticky-outy part of the bench in my garage and moved a stack of boards, allowing easy use of the door
You'll probably note that I really didn't get much done. Turns out that every single fastener you use on a boat is a one shot deal. Meaning you attach it, it is never coming out (easily) unless it breaks off, and then you are still not getting it out. The four brass lock-nuts holding the now destroyed cleat to the rail cost me about 45 minutes of swearing and nearly losing a finger. I really considered getting a boss drill out and drilling the balls off of every one of these and then just patching the rail after. But that really isn't the right thing to do, and I'd have metal shavings in my balls for years after.
Oh, and while I'm ranting about fasteners... if you use a screw, bolt, or any other fastener with a STRAIGHT SLOT on it, you should be immediately murdered. By rabid weasels. I don't know why these things still exist, but I demand their immediate destruction. (*#&@*(^&()*$@ straight slot )(@$*)(@$&)(_@$.
Had a good talk about laying out the boat with my primary fishing buddy also. He's the front-of-the-boat guy, so we went over chair vs not chair, where he'd likely put rods and bait buckets, etc. Decided on a removable chair, so we could use it for anchored fishing local lakes and drift fishing, but pull it for Erie and other fish from the back situations. Probably put a 6" piece of track up there for a removable rod holder also, and replace the standard cleat with something from this century.
Will try to get some pics up tomorrow after I get the driver side combing off. Oh, and I think I'm going to replace that craptastic bolster pad with this seadek stuff:
http://www.seadek.com/c-8-coaming-bolsters.aspx Assuming I can afford it.