2017/09/05 13:58:38
Vern is the code enforcement officer for the area, he has been very busy trying to contact all in violation for. the last 6 mo or so.
BTW, totally agree those involved should be given their own medicine.
2017/09/05 16:15:12
Vern definitely has his hands full. Great guy though. I hope he's around for a long time to come. These scum bags are exactly that. And there are folks like this in any demographic there is in this world. Vern definitely has his hands full, but I do agree with policies up around here. Code enforcement and even law enforcement are limited to having access to your residence. Right to privacy is respected around here and most folks like it that way. Let's hope a few don't ruin it for all
2017/09/05 17:12:31
IF people knock on your door nearly every day of the week and ask if you are having a garage sale, You might be a redneck!
2017/09/05 20:37:51
hot tuna
I've lived my entire life where having livestock, dirt bikes, race cars, shooting range , raging fires with live bands have been the regular. A junk yard was considered recyclable stock.. things have changed a bit but I welcome the scrapper every spring to clear some space for the garden now and make some free coin.
Not a fan about someone telling me how high my grass is . I'm with db, I like things as they still are . If it leaves my property, then I'm responsible to make amends. If not then it's still my property.

This story is just sad and no place for those actions if factual. There are some in society that are just cruel and no doubt it's a shame. Thankfully something triggered to put a stop .
May peace be eternity found to the victims.
2017/09/05 21:01:35
Red neck??? Mines brown lol... I hope so too tuna. Horrible cruel treatment. Total scum is what those folks are and they should rot in prison.
What's garbage to some is a treasure to another. Ive put kids clothes, toys, used windows, tires, truck cap, scrap lumber...you name it on the side of the road and people take it. There are needy folks around here. Some can't help being in the situation they're in. There are 3 food pantries in town here for pulaski residents. There is a lot of good and giving in this communitu. And some of it us by folks who don't have much to give. It sucks some scum bags like this give it negative press
2017/09/06 08:40:40
I agree Andy-
Whenever I put stuff out by the road it was gone quickly-anything possibly useful went by the road and all else went to the transfer station.
There IS a difference between keeping things that may be useful later on and a trash heap though and it has nothing to do with being rich or poor.
2017/09/06 14:02:46
Vern is awesome
I am very into recycling of things that some see as trash.
I really do love it up there.  If not for the crazy high taxes I would really consider a move.
2017/09/06 16:02:29
I loved it up there and went as often as possible- 70 to 80 days a year.
Really miss it.
The people- the country- the fish( or not).
Look up at the sky there at night- ya don't see those stars in suburbia.

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