2017/09/12 13:34:17
Some- especially hos run up to the Hatchery pretty early when in the river.
Over 30 years tells me that despite the -epic-hot- huge -early down low reports it usually takes a bit for them to get epic, hot or huge  up top.
2017/09/12 13:45:47
Word is that the ladder is full of cohos, they are holding both kings and cohos, but they are too hard yet, likely have egg take as usual right after Columbus day, and there are cohos around in UFZ. Of course, other than for looking LFZ is off limits until Friday.  Ball park was a few fish this AM, same at Pineville, and town down was the zoo, heavy crowds.
2017/09/12 14:07:43
Recall a few times when even scout King numbers were very low ya could sometimes find a couple in the ladder- -some are quicker and sneakier than others lol.
This kinda early start makes it look like a possible good year.
Perhaps my favored November will amount to something this year.
Hope ya hit a bunch this season Lucky.
2017/09/12 15:42:22
A positive this year is there is plenty of water and it will be cooler,unlike last year when it was like bath water.Also,from all the lake reports and early stream reports it is shaping up to be a good run of fish.
2017/09/12 16:54:50
Wanted to check the hatchery this weekend but didn't make it. Kinda assumed it was stuffed with fish though. There's enough water mid and up river for good sized pods to hide
2017/09/12 18:37:09
Report from DSR is that the fishing (catching) was "epic" today,people were quiting cause they were too tired from the CATCHING! Lots of Cohos.And the big push came later after the SUN was high.

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