August, and especially late August into very early Sept, used to be very quiet on the river with few fish and fewer fisherpersons.
Then came a couple of unusual very early and very publicized large runs. These, along with great notice on the web, changed things.
Now folks think that two fish reported in Joss and four reported last week in a pool upriver signal a run.
Every little pod down low is made to look like a run even though above the flats they spread out to the point of being unlikely to locate.
Great for the local folks involved in the fishery but not for those who think they will hit pay dirt.
Go up - enjoy the place and have fun but leave your expectations for, other than a nice experience in the outdoors in a great area, at home.
If even one or two 'riva masters' who know how to CATCH get lucky and report it there will be no room left in the ballpark-lol.