15 yrs ago today a friend and I went to the SR for a three day trip.We drove up and arrived early at Ellis Cove to try our luck.We fished for a hour or two but not much was happening so we decided to head down stream to where we hoped there would be more fish.After getting our gear stowed away I started the car and drove out of the parking lot,The radio was on and it started talking about planes crashing into the trade center.I stopped the car right there in the middle of the road and looked at my friend and said"what the F,,,,,, are they talking about?We sat there stunned by what we were hearing,we drove down to the Golden Fish in Port Ontario to watch a TV.would n't you know it they did n't have a tv,so we checked into our motel down the street and watched the tv there for the rest of the day.
The next morning we hit the DSR and went to the Joss hole,there was fish active there but we were not really into fishing and were not enjoying the day.So after about a hour or so we packed up,checked out of the motel and drove home,we just wanted to be with family!