2019/12/27 19:25:02
Guys, put a tag on your minnow traps. It's regulation. I haven't for years. One of mine was stolen again at Southpointe golf course yesterday. I really don't think it was malicious and intended. I think those course workers yanked it not knowing what it was. 
Worst case is some **** texting you he stole your trap 'cause you were trapping in his hole lol.
Take the minnows, leave the trap
Lesson learned. But rules say name and info must be on trap.
2019/12/31 21:13:29
Maybe should have strapped on that open carry side arm and went lookin' for it to get it back...
Jus sayin'

2020/01/01 09:22:52
Maybe should have strapped on that open carry side arm and went lookin' for it to get it back...
Jus sayin'

Sounds like summmbody is suffering Hoplophobia??

Word of caution Borg..... never take a KaBar to a Taser fight. Jus'Sayin'
2020/01/01 16:21:31

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