2018/01/06 13:10:47
Clint S
Rumor has it that the Ball park area was sold and a new apartment building is going in. At this point I do not think it is a rumor as I have heard it from multiple sources.........
2018/01/06 13:19:15
Clint S
The tax maps still show the village owning the ball park and the FD owning the rest, but I really think that one of these parcels were sold
2018/01/06 14:00:20
That possible sale came up long ago and, as I recall, it was the fire area.
Kinda think they said back then that it was actually private and not owned by the town.
Only issue will be if access  is still OK from the North side- most is from that side as it is.
If they own all across the River-more pay too play is likely- or no fishing at all- insurance would be nuts.
Also might depend whats already on the deed in regard to fishing.
They just keep chipping away up there in regard to access, parking , etc.
2018/01/09 12:47:50
If I have read the property lines on the real estate map correctly the Fire lot extends to the edge of the river only- not into it.
The very top and the area below seem to belong to the town. ( if I have the lots correctly identified)
If past situations are a  clue, access could be an issue to that side along that property line.
The Zillow real estate lines for my property up there were spot on-that said -with the tree cover over the riverside lines as viewed from the satellite photo with the lines superimposed over the treetops can leave doubt about folks walking the edge from below or above.
Might end up like the Schoolhouse -with the exception they actually own into the water here and there- but it remains very fishable.
Look at Zillow real estate listings in the near area and zoom in and out till the lines are shown then move over  the Ballpark area and adjoining Fire lot.
You will notice the Town area goes all across and includes the soccer field and field house on the other side, also that the Town seems to own above the Fire lot in the field that I had always thought was part of the Fire lot- apparently not so.
Doing this turned out to be very accurate for upriver.
 If ya can find a fall or winter photo it may be better than the summer leafy one I looked at.
From what I saw on the map there is presently little to no parking on the Fire lot so folks are likely already walking edges for access.
 Good luck to those who fish there. Seems that little may change-hope.
2018/01/09 13:03:15
New town houses going in.....
2018/01/11 05:19:23
I heard about this back in September and have been waiting to hear about the official sale... I'm pretty sure the river bed falls under green acres all the way up through Haledane run... 13 and 11 are gonna become a very busy intersection
2018/01/11 10:06:55
I wonder if NYS made a bid on this property or made any effort to maintain PFR?  While I don't fish this piece of water during silly season I do stop by to watch the show.  If PFR are curtailed at this location it will just add to the madness farther up river.  Too bad.
I wonder if this sale will impact drifting the river down to the ball field ramp?
2018/02/19 04:27:41
Clint S
I also heard that jail water has all the houses but 2 to the corner now. The corner parking lot was sold , but not to jailwater . They are building huge things up there. Only a handful of cars all every time I pass this w inter
2018/02/19 11:11:21
I heard about this back in September and have been waiting to hear about the official sale... I'm pretty sure the river bed falls under green acres all the way up through Haledane run... 13 and 11 are gonna become a very busy intersection

Green Acres?  Is that what the development will be called? 
If enough people make enough noise, it is possible that DEC will do something about access here.  Barclay had specifically deeded fishing rights for his piece of river bottom, this may not be the case along Haldane.  On Oak Orchard, organized noise was successful in getting a piece of access that had been privatized by the landowner in conjunction with a couple of old friends from P Town turned back to public access.  It is all in how the deed was written, but a case could certainly be made that a precedent for public access has been established at that location.  Certainly, harping about it here is not going to get anything accomplished, maybe questions at the P-Town SOL meeting. 
Last I knew, the Altmar hotel owns the parking lot across from Malinda's.  You could tell something had gone on with the housed this fall because the posted signs had moved up river from where they were last year.  
I would also be watching what goes on on the other side of the river from Tailwater.  While all that land shows as under DEC easement, it is also all for sale, and since the easement only allows the river bottom and 35 feet inland, some of the trails could get a lot more difficult.  Same at 2A, the company that bought the Left bank looking downstream appears to have something in planning, and they have posters on many of the trees that also have PFR signs on them.  Maybe not so surprising considering how many of the temporary residents behave while they are in town, I know I'm still picking up a bag of trash everywhere I go every time I remember to bring the bag. 
2018/02/19 11:43:49
hot tuna
I did not realize the parking lot was private . That sucks. I'm also surprised the tailwater has not bought north side.
Maybe due to pfr over there.
Quite honestly, the salmon river is a huge part of my memory and not as much my future of fishing and not part of my grandchildren from myself.
At this point I'm fine with what tailwater has to offer.
It's a reasonable and serviceable few trips to go steelhead fishing. The days of crashing in $40.00 rooms waking up sore and dirty are becoming rare.
There needs to be something more than a room and a cot if so desired.
Now if I can only figure utility how to catch these darn Lakers.
Been throwing the kitchen sink at them and they follow but no dice.
Maybe time to pull out the sink trap instead

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