"That topic came up at the meeting on Tuesday night.
The parcel that is the former Da-La-Lodge is private property (and always has been) and the new owner has erected a fence to keep people from walking across his lawn. The previous owner allowed people free and open access to the property because it benefitted his business. That is no longer the case. But nothing has changed regarding any easements or public access.
There is a conservation easement along the river on that bank EXCEPT on that property. It runs along the side of his property (next to the old fish cleaning station) and then across the back to the river. Anglers may use that avenue to get to the river (although it is a bit overgrown and needs to be cleaned out by our Operations crew PDQ) or come under the bridge if the flow allows. Anglers may fish on the rocks below the top of the bank, but they cannot be up on the top of the bank or lawn.
We have an Angler Survey going on with a Technician roaming around constantly, she can and will inform the anglers of the situation at that location."
So my take is there is no street level connectivity, but you walk down the street, walk around the lot, and you could pick your way up the rocks if you wanted to get up there, just not walk on the sidewalk along the house, the wall, or the lawn (And if you lived there, wouldn't you want at least that bit of privacy?). I've always gone through there to get further upstream so I'll just walk around the lot.