The PFR maps are approximations, if you went by the scale you would think you had a huge width, too, but in fact, you only have 35 or so feet from the water. The posted signs were there last year. IF NYSDEC never bought the easement for that piece of bank, he is well within his rights to post it. If people go in there because they feel entitled because of their drive, I am sure an Oswego County Mountie will be happy to issue them a ticket for trespass. I do know one old timer from New Jersey who will not be happy, as he spent weeks there last year, but maybe he's the one who bought the house.
I have reached out to friends in the agency for clarification, and especially for reassurance on the easements downstream along School House and the wires, as that property is all for sale, but there are easements on all of it. I am also concerned about the Left bank downstream of the 2a Bridge as the folks who won that have lots of posters, many on the same trees as the PFR signs.