2011/01/20 23:20:14
greedy guy with a loyal following if customers and no competition within 8 miles.  i have had words with them many times before. simple solution, i don't shop there.  would not P!$$ on him if he was on fire still...

i try to make my dollars last as long as possible. 

don't let them try to fool you they have a golden cash cow and they catch their own bait!
2011/01/21 09:49:26
It's his business what he charges for a DOZEN (That's 12...) minnows. You can call it greedy if you want...dishonest? No. I would argue that it's unwise from a marketing/business perspective. It's YOUR business where you get your minnows. I'm always amazed at people that expect more than what they paid for. If I purchased minnows from BAC and I noticed that I could get a better value from the guy a few miles down the road, then I'd have to decide if it was worth the extra drive to get minnows at the other place next time. I wouldn't argue with the owner or employee at BAC (unless I thought I DIDN'T get the amount I paid for), what's the point in that?

We're talking about purchasing a couple dozen minnows guys...not stereo equipment or boats.
2011/01/21 12:38:53
for the people going ice fishing once or twice a year i would agree. i am on the ice 2 or 3 times a week and paying and extra $3 each time adds up over the course of a 10-12 week season (if we are lucky). $3 x 3 times a week=$9. $9 x 10-12 weeks=$90-$108. plus im getting my minnows for $2.50 per "dozen", so factor that into the situation. im using the money i save to buy a used underwater camera for $100. you're right, its not stero equipment, but it is worth the time to drive somewhere where they dont count your minnows if you are fishing more than a couple times a season, and its obvious that there is only one bait shop that uses this practice. so the issue is not what a dozen consists of, but what is the standard practice of selling minnows to the public, and the standard is bait shop ownerns dont care to count out 12 minnows per dozen unless they are GREEDY!!!!!
2011/01/21 14:16:35
The only solution for this is buy more than you'll need when you go to the baitshop thats out of the way. That way you save time on your next trip out. That is, if your bait survives. Everybody has their opinions here. I dont understand some but i respect everyones right to one.
2011/01/21 15:29:36
Big Tuna
Took your advice bought 12 dozen minnows(at local bait shop) and thats just what I got,it took the girl 15 min. to count to 144 minnows,Cheap a--,I don't buy bait at that shop.Nor do I buy grubs there or anywhere,JADA 2000 waxies $ 48 bucks no shippping and no money spent on gas driving around,I'd rather throw half of them away than run out of bait.
2011/01/22 07:42:10
when a shop owner tells me to go elsewhere if i don't like what i'm getting from him, that's exactly what i do. haven't been to BAC in years and will never go back. they can stick their attitude up their dupas. all the other bait shops are more than generous with their minnie counts (love the old guy at the East Ave. marina). can understand the low counts as the summer wanes on and the minnies are going deeper and are harder to get to, but not in the spring and early summer. i'm not looking for something for nothing, just liked the customer service and the need NOT to make the biggest buck off of your customers if it keeps them returning. customer satifaction and loyalty need not become a thing of the past in this industry too. the old bait shops were like the old general stores of eons ago: a place to buy what you needed, get info, congregate and just shoot the bull, AND NOT GET RIPPED OFF! Ahhh Smitty's!!!!!! i'd like to know the ages of the posters here who thinks a "dozen" minnies is the actual counting out of 12 baitfish. willing to bet they're younger and used to these kind of changes in the american marketplace. old timers like myself tho know a dozen minnies is always a healthy scoop.
2011/01/22 10:59:03
amen pike...i remember smitty...those were the days...although i dont consider myself an old timer...i just love the fact that some of these guys think a "dozen" minnows is 12 counted out in front of you...what a joke
2011/01/22 22:51:13
This is by far the biggest collection of greedy whiners I have ever seen. Any of you that complained about BAC have bigger problems than math. If I owned the store, I would ask you to shop elsewhere as well. Dude don't need your minnie money, or your hassles, believe it.

All of You should be ashamed, what an "expectant" group of people. That's my last comment on it, whine away
2011/01/22 22:56:42
If YOU owned the store, this thread would probably be more focused on the arrogance of the owner...
2011/01/23 09:34:04
Sure do miss the days of the Bait Pond up at Chautauqua.
used to buy them by the scoop for $2. 3 dozen minimum.
If you were a regular you got even more..
Was getting bait for the Canadohta derby once and asked for 3 scoops, There was more bait there than you could keep alive in a 5 gallon bucket...

Only time I have ever had my bait counted was at the shop on Dobbins landing many years ago.
7 of us were going to hit PI that day and stopped in there for bait.
We spent well over $100 between the 7 of us.
I asked for 5 dozen minnows not realizing they were going to be counted (as this had never happened before).

As he was counting the minnows I repeatedly asked him for the larger minnows as that was the bait we desired, he kept telling me I did not want the large ones and kept counting out the smallest minnies in the tank, giving me more attitude as his counting progressed. Not what I wanted or asked for..If you can pick out the small ones you can just as easily pick out the larger size.

He was lucky we had two young boys with us, this kept me from arguing with him over the deal.
He was dam lucky I didn't trip on the way out of his store and spill my 5 dozen mini minnies on his shop floor. Was the last time I ever set foot in his establishment...
Mind you this was before any of the restrictions were put on bait and the prices rose.

I have bought a lot of bait over the years and very seldom are they counted to the exact number.
So I choose to frequent the places that are a little more generous with their "dozen" minnies.

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