2011/02/26 14:26:48
walleye taker, they are having the same problems on my side of the lake. so many old time campers have left the state park to go elsewhere, mostly to private campgrounds. sure has changed over the last 30 years or so.
2011/02/26 15:18:14
walleye taker
I guess that's part of my problem also. I am a die hard tuttle camper and have a hard time with this whole closing thing. There are so many ways they could raise money to support the camp and keep it open but they do nothing.

I have personally move on and found another camp and I am happy there. Just a shame I won't be able to share the time and experience with my Nephews and Niece over the years from tuttle.

Times change and so do we. I will do my best to pass on what my parents passed on to me and my family.
2011/02/26 17:57:53


That was a good discussion guys I agree with you Walleye Taker.ou Down my way you should see Raccoon Creek State Park. It was one of the most beautiful state patks around if not the most!!You should see it All the picnic tables are all warped and bowed the cabins are all delapidated.the.unkept grass,a couple port a pottys. Here in pittsburgh area they can find funding for lots of stuff the pens,steelers and pnc park but for joe Q public forget it!!!! What i think is a bigger shame is what the state does for us boaters!!!!!!! Check some of the launch ramps we have!!!!! in pittsburgh we have one. my rant is over.


You do realize park funding comes from the state's genral fund, whereas funding for local sports teams comes from any number of places. Its completely different sources of funding.
2011/02/26 21:22:50
DCNR should sell the campground or possibly lease the day to day operations to keep it open

2011/02/26 22:42:39

ORIGINAL: psu_fish

DCNR should sell the campground or possibly lease the day to day operations to keep it open

sheer genius, for sure. why hasn't that ever been put out there? at least the state would gain a bit of revenue for the rest of the park. man, that would make one beautiful private campground also.

2011/02/26 22:46:14
let the unions from wisconsin run it
2011/02/26 22:51:54
bet they do a better job than the gov.

wish fisherie would buy it. admiin, great investment property.
2011/02/26 22:52:22
wow, ya think the state would or could sell it?
2011/02/26 23:00:41
I think the only way to sell it legally would be for the PA General Assembly to pass a bill and have Corbett sign it.
2011/02/26 23:39:09
walleye taker
I know several people that have already inquired about doing just that and the State will not get back to them. Not only that but if Tuttle closes for good , I think the ground may go back to the original owners which was ( Tuttles ). I believe the ground was donated to the state for the camp ground and would remain with them as long as it stayed a camp ground.

It would be nice to get a private owner, and turn it into one of the nicest camps around once again. I know I could make money hand over fist and also make permanent camps open all year long.

All that places needs is some tender love and care and can be one of the best parks in the state.

The state wonders why they only have an 18% occupancy when the bath houses and facility are 30 plus years old. They have done nothing to improve the place in years. People don't want to come and stay in a mud hole.

But hey they have no money, we do are best. SAME SH#T I HAVE HEARD OUT OF P.M MOUTH YEAR AFTER YEAR SINCE HE TOOK OVER. I CALL B.S.!!!

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