2018/09/07 10:34:59
Reports indicate a plethora of salmon all season from the Niagara Bar to the Trench off Henderson, along the south shore, north shore, not so much.  Usually a lot of the salmon are in Canada, maybe this year's bunch were all Trumpsters(LOL!).  Recent reports from Henderson indicate a fair number of 'hoes showing up in the mix, so those guys could be doing their sprint upriver soon, they like to run early, and then they hang around until the end of the King spawning to do their mating dance (if they don't side trip to other parts of NYS and the NE).  According to the DSR reports, there was a small run  of steel last week, but that could have been the remnants of the Skamanias.  We had planned to go up and take a couple of hikes Wednesday and yesterday, but between a funeral I had to attend and the brutal heat, we bagged it.  I'm debating a trip to the woods for next week, the yogi hunters are out after that, and I hate fishing in Blaze Orange, even from a canoe. 
2018/09/07 11:30:26
At one time saw fresh dead Hos in Kiddie in February.
Then- on the flip side- have had difficulty finding them in Dec in other years.
Recall that very low water season some years back when they were spawning early only halfway up the river.
Bloodbath season.
Guys were walking up close and lifting them right off the beds.
2018/09/07 11:44:02
We find a lot of them in braided areas of the river while looking for chromers, even into December.  I was very surprised to see them actively working redds that late.  And while there always seems to be a big and very visible push of them in September, I got one a few years ago in mid November up above Pineville that was mint bright, thought it was  a steelhead right up until landing. 
2018/09/07 13:21:21
Looking back over the past few years, that first coho blast should be very soon.
2018/09/07 13:22:43
Yea- often a very visible nice run early then mixed in with Steel as the season goes on.
Have often seen both feeding behind spawning Kings into late season.
2018/09/08 09:27:04
RG, do you think the ho's are crushing eggs of their competitors?  They supposedly, and I believe that's entirely accurate, don't feed during their run.  I've seen them in the braids pretty darn late, as in skim ice late.  
   I've staked out a campsite and  will be hitting whatever's hitting  the 25th and 26th.  Maybe a suicidal  venture with  Wayne if we can find some space in both of our packed schedules.  I've got many dozens of flies left over from past seasons. Hopefully, a few get torn up with some teeth.  This cooler weather is starting to get my blood flowing.  
2018/09/08 10:05:46
hot tuna
Fichy, my answer is instinct and competition. You've seen both I'm sure. Males snapping at each other for the right to territory of a female. Fish in general for their spot .
Another aspect that I believe in instinct is when a complete zombie snaps at floating leaves. This leads me to feel no matter their state of being, instinct still prevails.

Yes this weather has me getting more anxious to spend time afield. My gardening and livestock chores are coming to an end soon. The smokehouse is a smoking today and tomorrow.
Happy fishing and hope to share some water.
2018/09/08 10:58:52
Don't know Charlie--always felt the Steel are eating and have had  some Hos hit behind the reds but had never considered they were crushing.
With the Hos -generally use a pink bug when they are around and tend to like anytime but have  used small blue sacs too.
Know the male Kings will crush the sacs and be hard to hook without a quick set.
( I know which end of the 90/10 thingie I am on-lol)

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