2018/05/02 21:23:14
get 'em!
2018/05/02 22:20:13
hot tuna
Tough grind tonight. Catching live bait is not happening yet. Relying on help from friends, supermarket clams and bloodworms.
It's all working so far.
While the sun was bright, the winds and tide were not so friendly.
Smaller 3 year-old are prevalent and hungry.
Soon , very soon the big cows will be HERE
2018/05/03 07:18:20
I was on the river for a short while trying for some smallies yesterday afternoon. The wind was awful!!!!  Is it a bad herring year, or is it still a little cold?  
2018/05/03 08:52:10
hot tuna
So far it seems like a sparse amount of herring. Everyone I know is struggling with them up here. The river temperature just hit 49 degrees so hopefully they will start.
2018/05/05 12:34:56
hot tuna
They are HERE and biting


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2018/05/05 13:13:36
That just has to be a good time.
2018/05/05 18:15:01
hot tuna
It was on today.
Thanks to my grandson Harvey and my boy Rob


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2018/05/05 18:42:38
Looks like you have it figured out! Congrats on the catching and glad to see you out enjoying the boat time!
2018/05/05 18:54:30
Clint S
Great job HT. Wish I could get out hear the river is doing well   still  way too behind to do much anything but work and rest and repeat 
2018/05/08 07:17:41
hot tuna
Got a lot of rain Sunday. Made the mighty, muddy. Tough to catch bait.
Ended up with 3 stripers. No pictures as I left my phone in the truck.
I got a feeling today is going to be the day .

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