2017/12/29 15:41:12
hot tuna
Didn't set the ice on fire but got a few.
Fished the same lake 2 days for gills and perch. The big side hasent froze in 2 years and has the best ice with a consistent 4" black. The smaller shallow side was very sketchy with 6" in 1 place and hit right through with a spud bar 20 feet away.
I'm calling it quits for 2017 as I have to much to do the next few days. I might try and get out on new years day.


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2017/12/31 19:34:11
Clint S
-3 for a high today. Got out to Sandy Pond. 6inches of ice.  Tried to use omen top UPS, but they froze in place after 15 minutes.We got 40 between 8 and 14 inches out oft the clam. Went through 3 bottles of  propane.  On a less than good not BOTH ME AND MY BUDDY lost our phones down the hole within ten minutes of each other. Mine stayed lit for an hour taunting me 15 feet below...........
2017/12/31 19:38:54
Lol guy fishing near me today had the same thing happen. He got a phone call after he lost it and could see it glowing on the bottom.
2017/12/31 19:59:37
That sounds horrible!!! Just horrible!!

Zip lock sammidge bags work nicely in case your phone goes in the drink with or without you. Keeps the phone floating and working..... unless you forget to zip the bag closed.
2018/01/01 09:46:54
hot tuna
I didn't think those top ups would work very well in harsh conditions.
That sucks about the phone but kinda gotta a chuckle out of it glowing at you for 1/2 hr.. Hopefully it attracted some fish at least, lol.
Give me a shout when you get a new one and I'll text you my number , again, lol.. BTDT
2018/01/01 11:04:10
All you ice fishers are slightly.....no make that very crazy,to want to fish in these temps.But,if that's what turns you on ??????. Have at it!!
2018/01/01 13:41:41
hot tuna
All you ice fishers are slightly.....no make that very crazy,to want to fish in these temps.But,if that's what turns you on ??????. Have at it!!

I will give you the crazy. Negative temps are no fun no matter the outcome. It's a tough haul getting set up. In a few years I may wait until my siblings have the heat going in the shanty then show up , lol.
If it wasn't for this bum foot, I'd been out there everyday so far. While the temps been sub zero, there has been no wind and bright sunshine.. perfect conditions to ice fish
2018/01/01 19:55:12
hot tuna
This is what it's all about for my excitement.
Heavy trout on a short rod.
Hopefully these will be plenty in 2018.
2016 -2017 were tough conditions .
This fish was from the queen of lakes in N.Y.. 1 of many hats.


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2018/01/07 10:02:11
hot tuna
Negative 18 at 7:30 When we hit ice.
It's actually toasty in shanty with bright sunshine and windless
1 for 3 so far on the short pole. Screw tip ups


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2018/01/08 16:49:54
hot tuna
We put 3 Lakers on the ice yesterday. I lost 3 more. It was a good shake down for my son and I to get ready for a LONG laker season. Even with negative 18, I was not wearing a jacket once we got the heater rocking in the shanty. All 3 iced fish were from the same hole, the first one we drilled.
Gotta love the crowds 😁
My wife will not see me home on my non work days until spring ?


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